Friday, July 31, 2009

Will nail polish rmover hurt my kittens?

My cat had kittens a month ago. My daughter got nail polish on two of the kittens. They are rather large spots on their fur. Neither of them has polish near their faces though. If i use nail polish remover on them, will it hurt them? I googled this and found nothing. Please only reply if you know A LOT about cats. Thank You.

Will nail polish rmover hurt my kittens?
PLEASE don't use nail polish remover - if I were you I would cut it out, it won't look pretty but nail polish doesn't really suit them either, and hey, you get to NOT poison them to boot. Ever drank or inhaled acetone? It doesn't come recommended for a fully grown human, let alone a kitten!!
Reply:Do not put polish remover on them it is poisonous to pets. Let their hair grow out a little and VERY CAREFULLY trim away the spots of fur with scissors. Be very careful because you dont want to cut them. If you can afford it then just take them to a vet and let a professional handle it.
Reply:Yes it will harm them,it's toxic !!! Cut all the fur that's got it on ASAP,the fur will grow back. If the kittens lick it they will become sick.

Best wishes.

Kerry. London. U.K

Student Veterinary Nurse.
Reply:Nail polish remover can be harmful to cats...especially kittens,if they lick their fur. It contains alcohol.


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