Saturday, July 25, 2009

Any Polish speakers here?

My son is going to his friends wedding. As the bride is Polish he would like to write a message in Polish on the card, could someone translate it from English to Polish. He would like to say......I wish you you both everything that is good in the world. Hope someone can help.

Any Polish speakers here?
Życzę Wam (obojgu) wszystkiego (co jest dobre na świecie) najleprzego z okazji ślubu.


"Z okazji ślubu, życzę (Wam) wszystkiego najleprzego."

PS. You can't translate it verbatim from English, it comes wrong in Polish.

I hope it helps.
Reply:Dużo zdrowia, szczęścia i wszelakiej pomyślności na nowej drodze życia


(your son's name) Report It

Reply:Go to Its a website where you can get help.Good luck %26amp; hope your son does what he wants to do.
Reply:JA życzyć ty ty obydwaj wszystko czyli dobry w ten świat

I'm not polish but used a translator, link below.


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