Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nail polish????

i really like wearing nail polish but i dont know what colours to get i have heaps of nail polish but the only colour that i think looks good on me is red.. What colours do you like to wear?

also when you buy nail polish how do you know if its going to be a thick one or a really thin one like i mean when you put it on and it ends up being thin instead of thick and glugy how can you tell before you buy it?!!! thankx in advance. :)

Nail polish????
black...but i hear that neon colors and fuschia r cool this summer. Thicker nail paint tends to flow less, so if u move the bottle around a bit, u get a rough idea. But u can simply put a second or even third coat for lighter nail paint...not like the bottle's gonna last till u finish it all.
Reply:Just give everything a try and find a colour that suits you best :D ,Maybe try a deep purple it looks really nice on. you can't really tell if the nail polish will be thick or thin but just get a good brand . Heres a tip , if you do happen to get really nice colour and it turns out to be a horrible thick one add a few drops of nail varnish remover the the bottle and give it a shake, this thins it :D

hope i helped

Reply:The best nail-polish I use is OPI. It isn't "thin" like you are talking about, and it doesn't fade or rub off.

..For Spring, bright pinks, reds, and even navy blue.

I'm kind of obsessed with OPI nailpolish. There are a lot of bright and vivid colors for spring.
Reply:In Some Shops You Can Use Testers.. :)

Umm.. I Love Navy Blue .. %26amp; Greys Cute With Most Outfits..

What Do You Like To Wear And What Do You Look Like.. Then I Could Give You An Idea For A Colour Best To Suit You ! :)



Hot pink

Electric blue


=%26gt; And there's plenty of HOT colors. :)
Reply:black looks really cute. it doesnt make you look goth or emo either:-) lol


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