Friday, July 31, 2009

My nail polish is old & really thick.?

My nail polish is really think and old. Is there any way to make it usable again? I've heard that if you dilute it with nail polish remover, that it loosens it. Is that true?

It's not a huge issue to throw out the nail polish; I'm just really cheap (I'm in college) and am trying to save money.

My nail polish is old %26amp; really thick.?
i dont think you can make it usable.

id throw it out for you

longs has reallllly cheap cute nailpolish, if youre looking for some new hip colors id go there :]
Reply:Toss it, and get some OPI.

it's inexpensive, gorgeous, and lasts a longgg time.

I wore one coat for two months before it wore all the way off, hahaha. [But it comes off with nail polish remover fine.]
Reply:It will loosen but it chips and clumps more.
Reply:I've seen my manicurist do this with polish remover, but it only takes a drop or two,then roll the bottle in your hands to blend well.
Reply:No choice but to dump it. Get a new one. Save up.
Reply:when you buy a N/P always keep them in a dry plastic storage and put them in the bottom of your refrigerator door, keep away from sun. when you apply them on to ur nails, pick before go to bed in the night, so you will not make a mess to your wet N/P bcos u doing something by ur hand, wash your hand with free oil soap, brush your nails with a soft brusher ( im using an infant tooth brush, its cheap!). apply the N/P only one time for pastel color, and two times for strong color, but the key is wipe the polisher feather smoothly, so you dont need to reapply and re aplly! it cause the N/P become drier and drier. in the morning you will have your nails polished!

you can only keep your N/P not more than 6months. other wise you want to apply a worst N/P and damage your hand cuticle. diluting your "thicker" N/P is another way to make i lighter, but dont forget, the remover liquid is made by aceton, and it can harm your nails cuticle, make your nails could not breath and become yellow in another day, if you keep this way, you will find your nails lose it moist and become ugly!

if you like to keep your nails manicured and coloured, you better buy a good N/P, litle bit expensive but worth.

but my suggestion, well manicured and clean is more than enough, and also my husband loves them natural!
Reply:ok!you can mix it with nail polish remover to reuse it but the problem is that it looses its shine!meaning its going to look dull and not sparkly as nail polish does so either buy a new one or just mix it with nail polish remover and have a dull nail polish.........................
Reply:fill a sink with boiling water, then leave the nail varnish bottle in there for a few minutes. It's what i do to all mine when they start getting thick
Reply:try it and see if it works. if not, throw it out. and if a $2 bottle of polish is standing between you and college, just go without the polish.
Reply:I have tried using nail polish remover to thin the polish and even tried some nail polish thinner that I found at Sally's and it did thin the polish. To me, the polish did not seem the same as when it was new and did not stay on as long.
Reply:Yeah That is true. Use just a lil and shake it up really well. You may only be able to use it one or two more times tho, when they get old, and you need to make them liquid again, its pretty much a lost cause after that.

improve skin tone

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