Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pronouncing Polish Wedding Vows?

I am getting married in Krakow, Poland next month and as part of my preparation for the wedding I would like to learn the Polish wedding vows. My wife to be is polish and I would like to be able to pronouce the wedding vows correctly. I have searched the internet for examples but have not been able to find anything. I have seen how it is written in Polish but appreciate that pronoucing the vows is completely different.

Any help would be welcome!

Thank you

Pronouncing Polish Wedding Vows?
Is it going to be Catholic or civil wedding? The vow texts are different in both cases.

(word accent in UPPERCASE, logical clauses in following rows)

1. Church wedding

Full text (prompted by a priest): "Ja ... [your name in Nominative case] biorę Ciebie... [bride's name in Accusative case] za żonę i ślubuję Ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską oraz to że Cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci. Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boże Wszechmogący w Trójcy Jedyny i Wszyscy Święci. "


yah [name]

BYAUreh CHAbyeh [bride's name] zaZHAUneh

eeshlooBOOyehchi MEEwoshch


ee oochCHEEvoshch mowZHENskom


zhechenye opOOSHcheh


takmee dauPAUmoosh

PAnyeh BAUzhef shehmauGONtsy

fTROOYtsy yeDYny

ee fSHIStsy SHFYENtshee

when exchanging rings:

" [bride's name in Vocative case] przyjmij tę obrączkę jako znak mojej miłości i wierności, w imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego."

[name] PSHEEmee tayobRAUNCHkeh

YAco ZNUCK moyey meeWOSHchi eevyerNOSHchi

VEEmyeh OYtsah


eeDOOhash fyenTAYgo

2. Civil wedding

Text (prompted by an official): "Świadomy praw i obowiązków wynikających z założenia rodziny, uroczyście oświadczam, że wstępuje w związek małżeński z [...bride's forename in Instrumental case] i przyrzekam, że uczynię wszystko aby nasze małżeństwo, było zgodne, szczęśliwe i trwałe."

shvyaDOmy PRAfee oboVYONskoof

vinicaYONtsih zawauZHENya roJEEni

oorauCHISHche oshFYATchum

zhe fstemPOOyaf ZVYONzack mowZHENskis

[bride's name]


zhe ooCHInyef SHISco

abiNAshe mowZHENstfau


shchen SHLEEvah

eetr VAweh


There should be no disaster if you get this that way! Good luck!
Reply:That is very admirable of you to try and learn the vows in Polish especially so quickly. I have friends who are originally from Krakow and I have never quite gotten the hang of the language myself...the pronounciation of the words is difficult however nobody would expect you to say them perfectly but your wife to be I'm sure would be very touched that you attempted to say your vows in Polish. There must be a Polish church somewhere in your area, why not contact them and see if they can help you learn the vows.
Reply:For pronunciation, your best bet is to maybe contact a few churches in your area, or a Polish cultural organization - or someone through a local university...

Interestingly, they are the same vows we did in Ukrainian for our wedding!


Pan Młody:

Ja ...(imię Pana Młodego) biorę sobie Ciebie...(imię Panny Młodej) za żonę i ślubuję Ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską oraz, że Cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci.

Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boże Wszechmogący w Trójcy Jedyny i Wszyscy Święci.

Panna Młoda powtarza te same słowa...

Przy wymianie obrączek Pan Młody mówi:

...(imię Panny Młodej) przyjmij tę obrączkę jako znak mojej miłości i wierności, w imię Ojca i Syna i Ducha Świętego.

Panna Młoda powtarza te same słowa...

In Church

"I, Andy, take you, _____, as my wedded wife

and I promise you love, honor, and respect: to be faithful to you and not to

forsake you until death do us part, so help me God, one in the Holy Trinity

and all the Saints." The bride repeats the same/


N., take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
Reply:call her parents, if they are bi lingual, ask them to record the vows and mail them to you so you can practice them

call a polish hall or church and have someone there help you practice and record that also to practice in private.

call a government building and see if they have anyone that speaks it to translate too
Reply:perhaps you might ask her parents for some help?

horses for loan

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