Monday, August 3, 2009

Polish Childrens Books?

Can anyone help direct me to some websites where I can download Stories or books written for children in Polish? I am learning Polish and I am at the stage where I want to start reading basic words and stories, I cannot find any sites anywhere, thanks for your help.

Polish Childrens Books?
I am not sure but I think one of the following sites could be of help!!

Good Luck Polish - Children's Books: Books

Books " "Children's Books" " Polish. Related Searches: childrens books. ... look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. ... - 111k - Cached Polish - Fiction / Children's Books: Books

... DVDs from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in our Harry Potter store. ... Polish. Books " Children's Books " Fiction " Polish. Showing 1 Result. 1. ... - 104k - Cached

Children's Books Online: the Rosetta Project, Inc.

... Books Online: the Rosetta Project is the largest collection of illustrated antique children's books ... comfortable niche or two in these tens of thousands of ... - 94k - Cached

Children's literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, current practice within the field of children's books ... Children's books are often illustrated, sometimes lavishly, in a way that is ...'s_books - 96k - Cached

Milet Books - Children's Books - Albanian-English

Polish-English. Portuguese-English. Punjabi-English. Russian-English ... Children's Books - Polish-English. To buy any of the books here click add to basket ... -
Reply:Your objective is to improve your knowledge of the language. The objective of children’s books is very different, and improving language knowledge is often of minor importance. Children’s books assume native knowledge of the language and can wander off into trendy colloquialisms that even a native adult may not understand.

Polish requires a strong grammatical discipline, and I would recommend using structured adult teaching texts, which include notes on vocabulary, grammar and stretching concepts. I have in mind the “old-fashioned” language textbooks I used at school – they worked wonders for me both in school and when self-teaching other languages later. Then, as soon as you can, move to reading newspapers or magazines, which in all languages are written in an accessible manner, without too much abstruse vocabulary.

There appears to be a textbook of this type at:

Good luck!


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