I think its hilarious, that at a time where the government is trying to get all the chavs off the dole,JSA and what not , all the polish immigrants are nicking the work..
Its now a new fantastic excuse on Jeremey Kyle, at work when i see that i have a bunch of polish on my team i am so happy because i know the job will be done quick, effeciently and fun. Polish people in the UK are NOT lazy and i was just wondering what people on Job seekers allowance thought of this, are they being treating unfairly..what are your experiences and opinions...
I do not at all think people on JSA are chavs, im talking about people who previously conned the system, and because of thier hand outs were too lazy.
I think its hilarious, im glad im not a builder, cos id be screwed!
Polish stealing work from Chavs on JSA- UK?
What on earth is %26quot;hilarious%26quot; about people not being able to get jobs in the own country because of uncontrolled economic migration?
What if that builder has a mortgage to pay and children to care for and he can%26#039;t get work to provide for his family? Is that %26quot;hilarious%26quot;?
Most British workers are NOT lazy either. Polish people are here because they can make more money here than at home. End of story.
Reply:Watch a pgm on TV couple days ago set in Peterborough - there are lots of agricultural jobs, veg picking etc. Most of these jobs pay about £7 per hour, which is good for unskilled. However the work is hard - I mean real hard work, physical and demanding.
Who takes most of these jobs? Why Polish workers, most of whom are either ex-industrial or agri-workers back in Poland.
The local %26#039;teen chavs%26#039; in Peterborough argue that the Poles are taking their jobs. This is simply not so. What the Poles do is hard work which the local chavs don%26#039;t want to do.
The English Peterborough chavs I saw were feckless layabouts sucking on cans of beer with spotty faces. I call them bone idle bastards and not worth a second of my time.
My admiration goes to the Polish workers out there in the fields helping our farmers bring in the massive harvests which we grow here. They%26#039;re doing it in all weathers too.
I am a part time cleaner, and as such do not get much per hour, about £6 for a night shift. I%26#039;m not complaining. I work with mostly African and Polish workers. Both groups think that a normal working day is about 12 hours. I have to tell them it%26#039;s tea break after we%26#039;ve slogged on for about 4 hours. Otherwise they just would not break off.
The kind of work I do, which is unskilled and low paid is on offer to anyone, yet there are no takers amongst the so called native white British population who think that earning an honest living as a cleaner is beneath them.
Well shove them.
There%26#039;s plenty of unskilled work for those who want it and for the time being the folk who want these jobs are the Poles and others from right across the British Commonwealth.
I walk up Whitehall most mornings after I finish my night shift in Victoria. The number of Poles and other EU workers out on the streets early is a real eye opener.
I left school in 1957 and joined the British Army as a boy of 15. In my working life I have been a telegraph operator - a job now no longer in existance and a courier driver and then finally a cleaner.
I have not had one day out of work in my 50+ years of working. I have never signed on. I retired about 18 months ago and now at age 66+ I%26#039;m still going.
I%26#039;ve got a lot of catching up to do, because the oldest employee where I live is now in his 101st year and still going. He cleans the vans for his company. He%26#039;s even managed a half Marathon and plans to do the London Marathon this year too.
I have always admired the Poles from afar, but now that I%26#039;ve had the privilege of working alongside them as part of the team, my admiration of them is of the very highest esteem.
I think the word I%26#039;m looking for is stubborn with a dogged determination to win.
In the Battle of Britain the first time the Polish Squadron RAF went up they shot down 16 Nazi warplanes. No one ever scored this amount in one go. Just mind boggling.
YouTube - Polish Squadrons in Battle of Britain
Go to %26quot;Learn English%26quot; by %26quot;moozmix%26quot; in german coast guard movie on ... Four Polish
squadrons eventually took part in the Battle of Britain (300 and 301 ...
Reply:I think it should be an exchange programme and for evey Pole that is allowed to work here, we send one of our chavs to Poland. That would make me laugh!!
Reply:Once they introduce minimum wage in Poland which they don%26#039;t currently have almost all of them have stated they will be going back. I don%26#039;t blame them really if an abandoned house being shared with 10 people and a job with 50p an hour is better than what they have back in Poland then I%26#039;d move too!
But the prob is that no-one really in their right mind will work for 50p an hour on the farms apart from the immigrants and i don%26#039;t blame them i don%26#039;t think I%26#039;d do it, its not that the English are lazy its just the way of life you would be asking people to have would be appalling the polish they work themselves to the grind and in complete fairness good for them but its not a way to live life.
Its not that people won%26#039;t work its that there is a shortage of skilled jobs machines are replacing people work is being outsourced.
Reply:If a Pole can speak English, then I like him (or her) more than a chav.
Reply:put it this way would the poles like it if a million brits went to their country and took all the jobs?no,of course they wouldnt.
Reply:Yeah its so funny when you already have a job
Reply:I hear this all the time from the Chavs. %26quot;I can%26#039;t get a job because the Poles have nicked them%26quot;. They start stuttering when I respond with %26quot;You have been unemployed since 2002. And then you only worked for 3 weeks. The Poles arrived in 2005. How have they stolen your job? Many of these jobs existed, and were available before they arrived. But you considered this job beneath you, despite having no skills or qualifications?%26quot; By this stage the Chav is either glazed over with boredom, because what I have uttered is too intelligent for them, or is choking in his seat trying to conjure up a coherent phrase to answer with. That doesn%26#039;t involve %26quot;Can I have a Crisis Loan?%26quot; (after I have stopped their benefits. Again)
If you were an employer, would you rather have a hard working Pole who turns up on time every day and does his/her job efficiently, or a Chav who is habitually late (if bothering to turn up at all, messes about on the job, and is constantly harping on about his/her %26#039;rights%26#039;?
The Chavs need to take a leaf out of the Poles books: Get on their bikes and look for work. It is there, if they really want it.
Reply:Chris h wrote:
%26quot;put it this way would the poles like it if a million brits went to their country and took all the jobs?no,of course they wouldnt.%26quot;
I%26#039;m living in Poland and I would not mind if a million Brits came over to work here if they do the job we Poles don%26#039;t want to do.
At the moment there is a lot of work in the building sector in Poland and we are employing Ukrainians and Chinese to do the job, because the Polish builders are in the UK.
So if you want to build Polish roads you are welcome anytime. Basic salary 700 Euro/month.
Clive H - it is not very common to hear such opinions about us, thank you.
Reply:Where I live there are a a couple of polish families that I know of and the adults in these households DO work. Whats wrong with that?? I was on JSA for about 6 weeks after I had my baby waiting to go back to work. When I was at the job centre to sign I saw that most of the people that were there to sign too did NOT want to look for work and on more than 1 occassion I heard them outside saying (in their own language) that they do not intend to work. I have worked since I was 15 years old and that 6 weeks was the only time I have ever claimed benefit and is really annoys me to think I (and the rest of the working UK) are paying for them to sit around and sponge from us.
And it has nothing to do with where they grew up either, me and my siblings were raised in a not so very nice area and all 4 of us have always worked.
If they come here legally and want to work it should show the people who have been on benefits for ever that you can get work if you actually want it!!!!
Reply:Didnt you see the news, the polish are heading back to poland. Over the past 4 years the polish economy has improved by 22%. It seems they have bled as much money out of the uk and are now buggering off back to Poland. Reminds me of the Vikings!
Reply:like you, I like the Polish who come here to work, the chavs though, think it is their right not to work. At least the Poles are putting something back into our economy, and not being paid at the expense of the tax payer!
maintenance repairs
Monday, April 20, 2009
Who Needs Polish/German/Ukraine help! Kto Potrzebuje Coś Przetłumaczenia Na Angielski! TRANSLATIONS HERE!?
im living here for 2 years-lived in elkhorn before...but i can answer all questions! Need polish recepies,folklore tidbits or just plain curiousity nagging at you to get more info on your 34%? this is your best chance to prove to your friends that you are part polish! impress them with witty polish sayings,or give oral reports on poland at high school to get an A!
want something translated into english from german ukraine or polish? give me your fragment,and ill do it!
chcesz coś przetłumaczonego na angielski z polskiego ale nie masz kogo się spytac? pytaj tu! wyjątkowa okazja!
Who Needs Polish/German/Ukraine help! Kto Potrzebuje Coś Przetłumaczenia Na Angielski! TRANSLATIONS HERE!?
Sure. Translate this to English:
У зв%26#039;язку з тим, що нові комунікаційні технології стають усе більш звичними в Україні, посольство США усіляко намагається підтримувати свій вебсайт на передовому технологічному рівні, щоб українці продовжували використовувати сайт як джерело інформації про Сполучені Штати. Ось чому ми розпочинаємо трансляцію подкастів з нашого вебсайту. Завдяки подкастам ви зможете побачити виступи офіційних представників США, які говоритимуть про зовнішню політику США, про те, як вона співвідноситься з Україною, про американську культуру та свята. Раз на місяць посол Тейлор особисто записуватиме подкаст, а у проміжках йтимуть подкасти інших дипломатів Посольства.
--- Edit ---
Sorry Lime Gurl, it was a trick question to see if you knew Ukrainian. My wife is a Ukrainian linguist, and we run a translation firm in Kyiv.
What I listed is pure modern Ukrainian (I already know what it says) from the US Embassy website in Kyiv Ukraine.
Like all languages (including German and Polish), Ukrainian changes a little all the time. However, the differences are relatively minor and would not make much difference to someone who knows Ukrainian well. (ie: the elimination of the apostrophe as the hard sign).
Barbara - the %26quot;official%26quot; transliteration guide of Ukrainian from Cyrillic to Latin is found at http://www.rada.gov.ua/translit.htm, but there are 5 or 6 standards for transliteration to Latin letters.
Reply:Thank you for your very kind offer of help free of charge. :-)
Reply:hehehe I don%26#039;t know who you are but I REALLY like you.. you%26#039;re funny.
How about a great Soup recipe involving Kebasa?
Like this one...
Kielbasa Simmered in Beer and Onions (Kielbasa zapiekana w piwie)
4 tablespoons butter
1 2-pound kielbasa (I use the beef kind)
2 12-once bottles of beer
4 - 5 onions, thinly sliced
1/2 pound mushrooms, quartered
salt, pepper and marjoram to taste
In a large heavy skillet melt the butter and saute the onions over medium heat until translucent. Add the kielbasa and brown it 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the beer to the pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered for 25 minutes.
Remove the kielbasa and onions from the pan. Turn the sausage out onto a platter or serving tray and top with the onions. Keep in a warm oven. Reduce the beer over high heat to 2 cups. Pour over kielbasa. Sprinkle with marjoram. Serve with mashed potatoes and beetroot-horseradish relish.
Nice to meet you!
Reply:Yeah, I was wondering, is it possible to write Ukrainian in Latin script (not in Cyrillic alphabet)?
want something translated into english from german ukraine or polish? give me your fragment,and ill do it!
chcesz coś przetłumaczonego na angielski z polskiego ale nie masz kogo się spytac? pytaj tu! wyjątkowa okazja!
Who Needs Polish/German/Ukraine help! Kto Potrzebuje Coś Przetłumaczenia Na Angielski! TRANSLATIONS HERE!?
Sure. Translate this to English:
У зв%26#039;язку з тим, що нові комунікаційні технології стають усе більш звичними в Україні, посольство США усіляко намагається підтримувати свій вебсайт на передовому технологічному рівні, щоб українці продовжували використовувати сайт як джерело інформації про Сполучені Штати. Ось чому ми розпочинаємо трансляцію подкастів з нашого вебсайту. Завдяки подкастам ви зможете побачити виступи офіційних представників США, які говоритимуть про зовнішню політику США, про те, як вона співвідноситься з Україною, про американську культуру та свята. Раз на місяць посол Тейлор особисто записуватиме подкаст, а у проміжках йтимуть подкасти інших дипломатів Посольства.
--- Edit ---
Sorry Lime Gurl, it was a trick question to see if you knew Ukrainian. My wife is a Ukrainian linguist, and we run a translation firm in Kyiv.
What I listed is pure modern Ukrainian (I already know what it says) from the US Embassy website in Kyiv Ukraine.
Like all languages (including German and Polish), Ukrainian changes a little all the time. However, the differences are relatively minor and would not make much difference to someone who knows Ukrainian well. (ie: the elimination of the apostrophe as the hard sign).
Barbara - the %26quot;official%26quot; transliteration guide of Ukrainian from Cyrillic to Latin is found at http://www.rada.gov.ua/translit.htm, but there are 5 or 6 standards for transliteration to Latin letters.
Reply:Thank you for your very kind offer of help free of charge. :-)
Reply:hehehe I don%26#039;t know who you are but I REALLY like you.. you%26#039;re funny.
How about a great Soup recipe involving Kebasa?
Like this one...
Kielbasa Simmered in Beer and Onions (Kielbasa zapiekana w piwie)
4 tablespoons butter
1 2-pound kielbasa (I use the beef kind)
2 12-once bottles of beer
4 - 5 onions, thinly sliced
1/2 pound mushrooms, quartered
salt, pepper and marjoram to taste
In a large heavy skillet melt the butter and saute the onions over medium heat until translucent. Add the kielbasa and brown it 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the beer to the pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered for 25 minutes.
Remove the kielbasa and onions from the pan. Turn the sausage out onto a platter or serving tray and top with the onions. Keep in a warm oven. Reduce the beer over high heat to 2 cups. Pour over kielbasa. Sprinkle with marjoram. Serve with mashed potatoes and beetroot-horseradish relish.
Nice to meet you!
Reply:Yeah, I was wondering, is it possible to write Ukrainian in Latin script (not in Cyrillic alphabet)?
Im full of polish and i dont have polish remover.....?
i bought some nail polish and it was placed in a bag with some metal bobby pins i bought also. the polish spilled all over them and my hands are also full of it. i dont have any polish remover, so how can i get the polish out of my hands and my bobby pins?
Im full of polish and i dont have polish remover.....?
Do you have any paint remover? That will work...trash the bobby pins as they will be too much of a mess to clean and they are inexpensive anyway. If you do not have paint remover try comet, it is coarse and has bleach in it, that will get rid of a lot of it...you hands will probably be stained for awhile and have to wear off. You have my sympathy....YIKES...that is a pain. If all else fails gasoline (be CAREFUL) will take it off, wash hands after (obviously) and take celery and squish it with your hands to get rid of most of the smell. Hope you do not have a date tonight...GOOD LUCK.
Reply:im pretty sure alcohol can remove it. if not, scrub with soap and warm water. and i mean scrub!
Reply:Soak them/it under blazing hot water.
Reply:dip them in alchohol and rum them..or u can keep washing ur hands till they look like prunes and peel them off
Reply:My older sister sprayed lysol onto her stuff to get nail polish off before.
Reply:use water or alchohol
Reply:have someone go out and buy the remover for you!
Reply:Unless the bobby pins have sentimental value get rid of them, or save them to soak in polish remover later. For your hands I would use the greasiest lotion you have and either a pumise stone or some sort of exfoliating cleanser to scrub them. Your hands have natural oils that will sweat out eventually and you should be able to run the polish off your skin like those little dirt things kids make by rubbing their hands together, but if you need it off now, exfoliating is the way to go. Please do not put gasolene on your skin.
Reply:eat spicy chicken it makes it all fall right off
Reply:There is this stuff called Awesome...they sell it in the 99cent stores that should do the trick. It%26#039;s get%26#039;s everything out. And it%26#039;s only 99cents....that%26#039;s awesome!!!!
Reply:cut ure fingers off
Reply:rubbing alcohal should work for your hands and the bobby pins
good luck
Reply:go to a friend and ask them to get nail polish remover (if they do wear nail polish).
credot siosse
Im full of polish and i dont have polish remover.....?
Do you have any paint remover? That will work...trash the bobby pins as they will be too much of a mess to clean and they are inexpensive anyway. If you do not have paint remover try comet, it is coarse and has bleach in it, that will get rid of a lot of it...you hands will probably be stained for awhile and have to wear off. You have my sympathy....YIKES...that is a pain. If all else fails gasoline (be CAREFUL) will take it off, wash hands after (obviously) and take celery and squish it with your hands to get rid of most of the smell. Hope you do not have a date tonight...GOOD LUCK.
Reply:im pretty sure alcohol can remove it. if not, scrub with soap and warm water. and i mean scrub!
Reply:Soak them/it under blazing hot water.
Reply:dip them in alchohol and rum them..or u can keep washing ur hands till they look like prunes and peel them off
Reply:My older sister sprayed lysol onto her stuff to get nail polish off before.
Reply:use water or alchohol
Reply:have someone go out and buy the remover for you!
Reply:Unless the bobby pins have sentimental value get rid of them, or save them to soak in polish remover later. For your hands I would use the greasiest lotion you have and either a pumise stone or some sort of exfoliating cleanser to scrub them. Your hands have natural oils that will sweat out eventually and you should be able to run the polish off your skin like those little dirt things kids make by rubbing their hands together, but if you need it off now, exfoliating is the way to go. Please do not put gasolene on your skin.
Reply:eat spicy chicken it makes it all fall right off
Reply:There is this stuff called Awesome...they sell it in the 99cent stores that should do the trick. It%26#039;s get%26#039;s everything out. And it%26#039;s only 99cents....that%26#039;s awesome!!!!
Reply:cut ure fingers off
Reply:rubbing alcohal should work for your hands and the bobby pins
good luck
Reply:go to a friend and ask them to get nail polish remover (if they do wear nail polish).
credot siosse
Is there polish teens out there that speak polish and english?
i dont want to know how to find them i want to talk to a polish teen. I am polish my parents are polish. I live in Waterbury CT
Is there polish teens out there that speak polish and english?
I know a polish teenager who speaks both languages and lives in Maryland
Reply:I%26#039;m Polish. And speak both Polish and English. Right now I%26#039;m in Poland for a year, but normally I live in WNY. Report It
Reply:im Polish n i speak the lang but im not a teen :P Report It
Reply:I%26#039;m not a teenager
I%26#039;m not Polish
I don%26#039;t speak Polish
I DO speak English
1 out of 4 ain%26#039;t bad!
myspace quizzes
Is there polish teens out there that speak polish and english?
I know a polish teenager who speaks both languages and lives in Maryland
Reply:I%26#039;m Polish. And speak both Polish and English. Right now I%26#039;m in Poland for a year, but normally I live in WNY. Report It
Reply:im Polish n i speak the lang but im not a teen :P Report It
Reply:I%26#039;m not a teenager
I%26#039;m not Polish
I don%26#039;t speak Polish
I DO speak English
1 out of 4 ain%26#039;t bad!
myspace quizzes
POLISH, GERMAN, CZECH: Des Plaines, Chicago, & Places Close By?
Are there any stores around those areas where I can buy authentic Polish crafts (souvenirs)? Maybe some of those Polish wooden boxes? Also, where are the best casual Polish dining spots? Same for German and Czech.
POLISH, GERMAN, CZECH: Des Plaines, Chicago, %26amp; Places Close By?
Do I take it you%26#039;ll be in Des Plaines? The two best Polish restaurants I know of have closed. Maybe this says something about Polish cooking!
There is a store in a small shopping center in Niles (near Des Plaines) at the intersection of Milwaukee Avenue and Oakton Street, I think it is called European Imports, or something to that effect. I%26#039;d be willing to bet they can help you out. Check out the Chicago Tribune for a guide to ethnic restaurants.
The German neighborhood is on the north side in the area of Lincoln Avenue and Lawrence Avenue. Try Delicatessen Meyer, I%26#039;m almost sure it is on Lincoln.
I can tell you where a Bohemian neighborhood is, but maybe not Czech (small joke there). There is a restaurant on Cermak (aka 22nd Street) near 17th? Avenue in North Riverside that everyone raves about, I can%26#039;t think of the name and I have not been there.
In Brookfield Illinois there is a European-style traffic circle in the middle of town. There is a Bohemian restaurant on the traffic circle, again I can%26#039;t think of the name. I can tell you with first-hand certainty that it is good.
Hope this help, feel free to ask for more specifics.
horses for loan
POLISH, GERMAN, CZECH: Des Plaines, Chicago, %26amp; Places Close By?
Do I take it you%26#039;ll be in Des Plaines? The two best Polish restaurants I know of have closed. Maybe this says something about Polish cooking!
There is a store in a small shopping center in Niles (near Des Plaines) at the intersection of Milwaukee Avenue and Oakton Street, I think it is called European Imports, or something to that effect. I%26#039;d be willing to bet they can help you out. Check out the Chicago Tribune for a guide to ethnic restaurants.
The German neighborhood is on the north side in the area of Lincoln Avenue and Lawrence Avenue. Try Delicatessen Meyer, I%26#039;m almost sure it is on Lincoln.
I can tell you where a Bohemian neighborhood is, but maybe not Czech (small joke there). There is a restaurant on Cermak (aka 22nd Street) near 17th? Avenue in North Riverside that everyone raves about, I can%26#039;t think of the name and I have not been there.
In Brookfield Illinois there is a European-style traffic circle in the middle of town. There is a Bohemian restaurant on the traffic circle, again I can%26#039;t think of the name. I can tell you with first-hand certainty that it is good.
Hope this help, feel free to ask for more specifics.
horses for loan
Polish people?
Are there any on here who speak English? My daughters Polish as well as our name but there never seems to be any other Polish people %26amp; she%26#039;s really interested in learning about the Polish Culture?
Polish people?
Here are customs and cultural aspects of Poland:-
Marriage and Family
Young people who start work after the minimum required
schooling tend to marry earlier than those who continue their education. Newly married couples often live with their parents for a few years and may be given other financial assistance.
Urban families usually have one or two children, while rural families often have three or four. In most households, children are given considerable responsibility from an early age. Because both parents usually work outside the home, the children often prepare their own breakfast and go to school by themselves. Older children clean the home, sometimes cook meals, and often care for younger siblings. The economic situation of most families demands the equal involvement of both parents in raising the family and working outside the home, although women still take most responsibility for looking after the home. The majority of women have jobs outside the home. The elderly are often cared for by their adult children.
Because work and school begin early, many Poles have only a light breakfast with coffee, tea, or cocoa and sometimes cereal, taking a sandwich along to eat at 10 or 11 am. The main meal is served sometime between 2 and 4 pm, depending on what time people return from work—people who are not at work or school would eat the main meal earlier and would not have a mid-morning snack. The meal usually consists of soup, meat or fish, salad, and potatoes. Fruit juice compote, pastries, and ice cream are a few popular desserts. The compote, usually homemade, is a combination of fruit juice, fruit, and water. A light supper follows around 7 or 8 pm.
Some common dishes include pierogi (dumplings with cream cheese and potatoes), uszka (a kind of ravioli) served with borscht, bigos (sausage, mushrooms, and cabbage), braised pork and cabbage, poppy-seed desserts, and cheesecake. Bread is purchased several times a week, sometimes even daily. Bread, dairy products, and canned fish are plentiful, and pork is more popular than beef. With the switch to a market economy, more food in greater variety is available, but prices are much higher and many families spend a large proportion of their income on food.
Poles eat with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. It is good manners to keep both hands (not the elbows) above the table during the meal, and not to start eating until everyone has been served and the host or head of the family has begun. People tend to talk relatively little while eating, but it is usual to stay at the table for conversation once the meal is finished. At both formal and informal dinners, the host will often propose a toast to the guest, and the guest is expected to reciprocate.
Adults generally shake hands upon meeting. Occasionally men still follow the tradition of kissing a woman%26#039;s hand. When introducing a man, one uses Pan (“Mr.”) before the last name; for a woman, the term is Pani (“Mrs.”). A professional person’s title is used before his or her last name. Only the person’s title is used in formal conversation or in business. First names are used only by mutual consent between adult friends, but teenagers and children are called by their first names. Women often greet close female friends by kissing their left cheek, then right cheek, then left again. Some common Polish greetings include Dzień dobry, which means “Hello” or “Good morning”; Dobry wieczór (“Good evening”); and Do widzenia (“Good-bye”).
Unannounced visits among friends and relatives are common, particularly in rural areas. More formal, longer visits are arranged in advance. Poles often invite friends over for dinner, or just for cake and tea, and they like to have formal parties on special occasions. When invited for even a short visit, it is customary to bring a gift of an odd number of flowers, which should be unwrapped before being presented. Guests may be entertained at a kawiarnia, or café, which offers a variety of French pastries in addition to its own specialties; such visits often last several hours. However, it is more common to invite guests to meals at home, due to the long-standing tradition of entertaining at home and because of the expense of eating out. Because Poles generally go to work early in the morning, evening visits on weekdays do not usually extend beyond 11 pm. On weekends, however, guests stay later.
Soccer is very popular in Poland; the people also participate in track and field events, cycling, table tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and various individual sports. Bridge is a favorite card game, and Poles enjoy socializing with friends and relatives, watching television, going to the cinema, and attending concerts and other cultural events. In the fall, people go into the woods to pick mushrooms. The mushrooms are then dried and may be used to make uszka for Christmas.
Holidays and Celebrations
New Year’s Day in Poland is celebrated on 1 January. Easter, in early spring, is a major holiday in this predominantly Roman Catholic country. It has a number of traditions associated with it, including painting eggs and taking baskets full of food to churches to have the food blessed. Easter Monday is a public holiday. The morning of Easter Monday, children (and some adults) enjoy water fights—water symbolizes life, and it is a symbol of Easter, which honors the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Labor Day is observed on 1 May. Polish Constitution Day on 3 May commemorates the ratification of Poland’s first constitution in 1794, based upon ideas from the French Revolution.
Corpus Christi, in honor of the Eucharist, is observed on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday (which follows the Pentecost, 50 days after Easter). Assumption Day, when the Virgin Mary’s body was said to have been “assumed” into Heaven, is observed on 15 August. Polish Solidarity Day (31 August) marks the formation of Solidarity (Solidarność), the labor union that led to the downfall of the Polish Communists in 1989.
All Saints’ Day (1 November) honors all the saints in the Christian calendar. On this day, Poles visit the graves of relatives and friends, offering prayers and lighting candles. Independence Day, which commemorates the proclamation of an independent Poland at the end of World War I, is celebrated on 11 November.
Christmas is Poland’s most important holiday. On 6 December, children receive small gifts from Saint Nicholas, whose name day it is. On Christmas Eve, considered the heart of the holiday, families gather for a feast that features special foods and, according to Catholic tradition, excludes meat. Before dinner, celebrants exchange pieces of a holy wafer blessed by a priest, as well as greetings for Christmas and the new year. Traditionally an extra plate is set for unexpected guests, and people eat as many of 12 courses as possible for luck in the coming year. That evening, Catholics attend Midnight Mass and Saint Nicholas usually returns to leave gifts for the children. On 26 December, a public holiday, people visit and relax. Nativity scenes are seen everywhere, and caroling can be heard frequently throughout the Christmas season.
In Poland, people with the name of a saint celebrate his or her name day. Name days are considered more important than birthdays, and celebrants receive gifts and may celebrate with parties.
Reply:I am Polish and everything you wrote here is true. Even though I live in the US my family still practices these traditions, but I also travel to Poland a lot. =D Report It
Polish people?
Here are customs and cultural aspects of Poland:-
Marriage and Family
Young people who start work after the minimum required
schooling tend to marry earlier than those who continue their education. Newly married couples often live with their parents for a few years and may be given other financial assistance.
Urban families usually have one or two children, while rural families often have three or four. In most households, children are given considerable responsibility from an early age. Because both parents usually work outside the home, the children often prepare their own breakfast and go to school by themselves. Older children clean the home, sometimes cook meals, and often care for younger siblings. The economic situation of most families demands the equal involvement of both parents in raising the family and working outside the home, although women still take most responsibility for looking after the home. The majority of women have jobs outside the home. The elderly are often cared for by their adult children.
Because work and school begin early, many Poles have only a light breakfast with coffee, tea, or cocoa and sometimes cereal, taking a sandwich along to eat at 10 or 11 am. The main meal is served sometime between 2 and 4 pm, depending on what time people return from work—people who are not at work or school would eat the main meal earlier and would not have a mid-morning snack. The meal usually consists of soup, meat or fish, salad, and potatoes. Fruit juice compote, pastries, and ice cream are a few popular desserts. The compote, usually homemade, is a combination of fruit juice, fruit, and water. A light supper follows around 7 or 8 pm.
Some common dishes include pierogi (dumplings with cream cheese and potatoes), uszka (a kind of ravioli) served with borscht, bigos (sausage, mushrooms, and cabbage), braised pork and cabbage, poppy-seed desserts, and cheesecake. Bread is purchased several times a week, sometimes even daily. Bread, dairy products, and canned fish are plentiful, and pork is more popular than beef. With the switch to a market economy, more food in greater variety is available, but prices are much higher and many families spend a large proportion of their income on food.
Poles eat with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. It is good manners to keep both hands (not the elbows) above the table during the meal, and not to start eating until everyone has been served and the host or head of the family has begun. People tend to talk relatively little while eating, but it is usual to stay at the table for conversation once the meal is finished. At both formal and informal dinners, the host will often propose a toast to the guest, and the guest is expected to reciprocate.
Adults generally shake hands upon meeting. Occasionally men still follow the tradition of kissing a woman%26#039;s hand. When introducing a man, one uses Pan (“Mr.”) before the last name; for a woman, the term is Pani (“Mrs.”). A professional person’s title is used before his or her last name. Only the person’s title is used in formal conversation or in business. First names are used only by mutual consent between adult friends, but teenagers and children are called by their first names. Women often greet close female friends by kissing their left cheek, then right cheek, then left again. Some common Polish greetings include Dzień dobry, which means “Hello” or “Good morning”; Dobry wieczór (“Good evening”); and Do widzenia (“Good-bye”).
Unannounced visits among friends and relatives are common, particularly in rural areas. More formal, longer visits are arranged in advance. Poles often invite friends over for dinner, or just for cake and tea, and they like to have formal parties on special occasions. When invited for even a short visit, it is customary to bring a gift of an odd number of flowers, which should be unwrapped before being presented. Guests may be entertained at a kawiarnia, or café, which offers a variety of French pastries in addition to its own specialties; such visits often last several hours. However, it is more common to invite guests to meals at home, due to the long-standing tradition of entertaining at home and because of the expense of eating out. Because Poles generally go to work early in the morning, evening visits on weekdays do not usually extend beyond 11 pm. On weekends, however, guests stay later.
Soccer is very popular in Poland; the people also participate in track and field events, cycling, table tennis, skiing, basketball, volleyball, and various individual sports. Bridge is a favorite card game, and Poles enjoy socializing with friends and relatives, watching television, going to the cinema, and attending concerts and other cultural events. In the fall, people go into the woods to pick mushrooms. The mushrooms are then dried and may be used to make uszka for Christmas.
Holidays and Celebrations
New Year’s Day in Poland is celebrated on 1 January. Easter, in early spring, is a major holiday in this predominantly Roman Catholic country. It has a number of traditions associated with it, including painting eggs and taking baskets full of food to churches to have the food blessed. Easter Monday is a public holiday. The morning of Easter Monday, children (and some adults) enjoy water fights—water symbolizes life, and it is a symbol of Easter, which honors the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Labor Day is observed on 1 May. Polish Constitution Day on 3 May commemorates the ratification of Poland’s first constitution in 1794, based upon ideas from the French Revolution.
Corpus Christi, in honor of the Eucharist, is observed on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday (which follows the Pentecost, 50 days after Easter). Assumption Day, when the Virgin Mary’s body was said to have been “assumed” into Heaven, is observed on 15 August. Polish Solidarity Day (31 August) marks the formation of Solidarity (Solidarność), the labor union that led to the downfall of the Polish Communists in 1989.
All Saints’ Day (1 November) honors all the saints in the Christian calendar. On this day, Poles visit the graves of relatives and friends, offering prayers and lighting candles. Independence Day, which commemorates the proclamation of an independent Poland at the end of World War I, is celebrated on 11 November.
Christmas is Poland’s most important holiday. On 6 December, children receive small gifts from Saint Nicholas, whose name day it is. On Christmas Eve, considered the heart of the holiday, families gather for a feast that features special foods and, according to Catholic tradition, excludes meat. Before dinner, celebrants exchange pieces of a holy wafer blessed by a priest, as well as greetings for Christmas and the new year. Traditionally an extra plate is set for unexpected guests, and people eat as many of 12 courses as possible for luck in the coming year. That evening, Catholics attend Midnight Mass and Saint Nicholas usually returns to leave gifts for the children. On 26 December, a public holiday, people visit and relax. Nativity scenes are seen everywhere, and caroling can be heard frequently throughout the Christmas season.
In Poland, people with the name of a saint celebrate his or her name day. Name days are considered more important than birthdays, and celebrants receive gifts and may celebrate with parties.
Reply:I am Polish and everything you wrote here is true. Even though I live in the US my family still practices these traditions, but I also travel to Poland a lot. =D Report It
Polish workers?
i would just like to know as i have heard something while i was at work and just wondered if it was true, can anyone answer this for me, if a company employs so many polish workers does the company get a percentage of money from the goverment for taking on the polish workers, no offence to the polish, if you can find anything about it please leave a link, thank you.
Polish workers?
most of us scots are proud to work with polish workers as during 2nd world war they helped us and after a lot stayed over here As for companies being paid not in our firm they are employed on their experience in the job.Plus all Polish people learn english as their first language not polish
Reply:%26quot;Plus all Polish people learn english as their first language not polish%26quot; WHAT??????????? u must be kidding
POLISH is the first lang has always been n always will be! Report It
Reply:big fat lie....Poland are part of the EU now they have the same work rights as anyone eles from the EU
Reply:this does sound like an urban legend
Reply:Only reason they employ them is they are cheaper, No grants are given by any department, but because they work for small wages, the companies employing them are making huge profits.
Reply:No,this is just another myth that has sprung up,it%26#039;s about time, though that the government did something about the great influx of east european %26quot;workers%26quot; that are in our country!
Reply:If I went on a painting job, a Polish guy would say he was a painter and could he have a job.
If I was building a wall, the same Polish guy would say he was a bricklayer and could he have a job.
I get it all the time. Whatever you%26#039;re doing, that%26#039;s their profession and could they have a job.
So at the end of the day, if I needed to employ someone, I would make sure they%26#039;re English.
Added : In the trade, communication is so important to Health %26amp; Safety so I can%26#039;t see how a Polish worker would contribute to a safe working environment.
Reply:Have heard of a food processing plant in Scotland laid off 100+ workers and employed east European labour. Don%26#039;t know how true this is.
Reply:Naa, its a lie.
Reply:There must be a reason why they are being taken on in such numbers
And it%26#039;s not that work , faster or harder , because I know that these reasons are not true
I used to work with three Polish workers , nice lads , but as soon as the boss went off , they were not to be seen , that is working
Reply:At my company we employ our staff based on their attitude and competency for the job at hand. We have hired Polish people in the past and have never gotten compensation in any way shape or form for this.
Reply:a company gets $ 6,700 for each Polish worker.
visual arts
Polish workers?
most of us scots are proud to work with polish workers as during 2nd world war they helped us and after a lot stayed over here As for companies being paid not in our firm they are employed on their experience in the job.Plus all Polish people learn english as their first language not polish
Reply:%26quot;Plus all Polish people learn english as their first language not polish%26quot; WHAT??????????? u must be kidding
POLISH is the first lang has always been n always will be! Report It
Reply:big fat lie....Poland are part of the EU now they have the same work rights as anyone eles from the EU
Reply:this does sound like an urban legend
Reply:Only reason they employ them is they are cheaper, No grants are given by any department, but because they work for small wages, the companies employing them are making huge profits.
Reply:No,this is just another myth that has sprung up,it%26#039;s about time, though that the government did something about the great influx of east european %26quot;workers%26quot; that are in our country!
Reply:If I went on a painting job, a Polish guy would say he was a painter and could he have a job.
If I was building a wall, the same Polish guy would say he was a bricklayer and could he have a job.
I get it all the time. Whatever you%26#039;re doing, that%26#039;s their profession and could they have a job.
So at the end of the day, if I needed to employ someone, I would make sure they%26#039;re English.
Added : In the trade, communication is so important to Health %26amp; Safety so I can%26#039;t see how a Polish worker would contribute to a safe working environment.
Reply:Have heard of a food processing plant in Scotland laid off 100+ workers and employed east European labour. Don%26#039;t know how true this is.
Reply:Naa, its a lie.
Reply:There must be a reason why they are being taken on in such numbers
And it%26#039;s not that work , faster or harder , because I know that these reasons are not true
I used to work with three Polish workers , nice lads , but as soon as the boss went off , they were not to be seen , that is working
Reply:At my company we employ our staff based on their attitude and competency for the job at hand. We have hired Polish people in the past and have never gotten compensation in any way shape or form for this.
Reply:a company gets $ 6,700 for each Polish worker.
visual arts
Are You Polish?
A man goes into a store and tells the clerk, %26quot;I%26#039;d like some Polish Sausage.%26quot;
The clerk looks at him and says, %26quot;Are you Polish?%26quot;
The guy, clearly offended, says, %26quot;Well, yes I am.%26quot;
He continues, %26quot;But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for German bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish? Or if I had asked for a taco would you ask if I was Mexican?..... Would ya, huh? Would ya?%26quot;
The clerk says, %26quot;Well, no.%26quot;
%26quot;And if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?%26quot;
%26quot;Well, I probably wouldn%26#039;t,%26quot; says the clerk.
With deep self-righteous indignation, the guy says, %26quot;Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I%26#039;m Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage?%26quot;
The Clerk replies, %26quot;Because this is Home Depot.%26quot;
Are You Polish?
Aaww!! Laud!! LOL. LOL. 10.
Reply:not polish but have a polish girlfriend
Reply:lol, Im Polish and liked that one. *thumbs up*
Reply:ha ha tht%26#039;s funny.
Reply:haha that was good ♥
Reply:See, now this is a funny joke. Your other story was odd.
Reply:That%26#039;s funny! What do you think of this? I think you will like it.
What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan
What is a Yankee?
The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.
What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
The position of the dirt bag
Why is divorce so expensive?
Because it%26#039;s worth it.
What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over?
Why is air a lot like sex?
Because it%26#039;s no big deal unless you%26#039;re not getting any.
What do you call a smart blonde?
A golden retriever.
What do attorneys use for birth control?
Their personalities.
What%26#039;s the difference between a girlfriend and wife?
45 lbs
What%26#039;s the difference between a boyfriend and husband?
45 minutes
Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?
Because those men already have boyfriends.
Why don%26#039;t bunnies make noise when they have sex?
Because they have cotton balls.
What%26#039;s the difference between a porcupine and BMW?
A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.
What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?
%26quot;Are you sure it%26#039;s mine?%26quot;
Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?
Mace will do that to you.
Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia ?
Everyone has the same DNA.
Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
Breasts don%26#039;t have eyes.
Did you hear about the dyslexic Rabbi?
He walks around saying %26quot;Yo.%26quot;
Why do drivers%26#039; education classes in Redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it.
Where does an Irish family go on vacation?
A different bar.
Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?
They named him %26quot;Sum Ting Wong%26quot;.
What would you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other?
A speech impediment.
What does it mean when the flag at the Post Office is flying at half-mast?
They%26#039;re hiring.
What%26#039;s the difference between a southern zoo and a northern zoo?
A southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front of the cage along with... %26quot;a recipe%26quot;.
How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word?
Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
What%26#039;s the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?
A northern fairytale begins %26quot;Once upon a time...%26quot; -A southern fairytale begins %26quot;Y%26#039;all ain%26#039;tgonnabelievethisshit....
Why is there no Disneyland in China?
No one%26#039;s tall enough to go on the good rides
Reply:lol...i dont get it.
Reply:so, what%26#039;s the question?
Reply:lmoa rotf over and over!!!! what a dumb ***!!
to funny! kep em coming
Reply:Funny, as I am all Polish. My mom likes to tell me that I have an IQ of 138(true) but use my a+s+s to think.
Reply:hahaha! i like the punch line :)
Reply:hahaha this is so funny!!!!
The clerk looks at him and says, %26quot;Are you Polish?%26quot;
The guy, clearly offended, says, %26quot;Well, yes I am.%26quot;
He continues, %26quot;But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for German bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish? Or if I had asked for a taco would you ask if I was Mexican?..... Would ya, huh? Would ya?%26quot;
The clerk says, %26quot;Well, no.%26quot;
%26quot;And if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?%26quot;
%26quot;Well, I probably wouldn%26#039;t,%26quot; says the clerk.
With deep self-righteous indignation, the guy says, %26quot;Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I%26#039;m Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage?%26quot;
The Clerk replies, %26quot;Because this is Home Depot.%26quot;
Are You Polish?
Aaww!! Laud!! LOL. LOL. 10.
Reply:not polish but have a polish girlfriend
Reply:lol, Im Polish and liked that one. *thumbs up*
Reply:ha ha tht%26#039;s funny.
Reply:haha that was good ♥
Reply:See, now this is a funny joke. Your other story was odd.
Reply:That%26#039;s funny! What do you think of this? I think you will like it.
What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan
What is a Yankee?
The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.
What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
The position of the dirt bag
Why is divorce so expensive?
Because it%26#039;s worth it.
What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over?
Why is air a lot like sex?
Because it%26#039;s no big deal unless you%26#039;re not getting any.
What do you call a smart blonde?
A golden retriever.
What do attorneys use for birth control?
Their personalities.
What%26#039;s the difference between a girlfriend and wife?
45 lbs
What%26#039;s the difference between a boyfriend and husband?
45 minutes
Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?
Because those men already have boyfriends.
Why don%26#039;t bunnies make noise when they have sex?
Because they have cotton balls.
What%26#039;s the difference between a porcupine and BMW?
A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.
What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?
%26quot;Are you sure it%26#039;s mine?%26quot;
Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?
Mace will do that to you.
Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia ?
Everyone has the same DNA.
Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
Breasts don%26#039;t have eyes.
Did you hear about the dyslexic Rabbi?
He walks around saying %26quot;Yo.%26quot;
Why do drivers%26#039; education classes in Redneck schools use the car only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?
Because on Tuesday and Thursday, the Sex Ed class uses it.
Where does an Irish family go on vacation?
A different bar.
Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?
They named him %26quot;Sum Ting Wong%26quot;.
What would you call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other?
A speech impediment.
What does it mean when the flag at the Post Office is flying at half-mast?
They%26#039;re hiring.
What%26#039;s the difference between a southern zoo and a northern zoo?
A southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front of the cage along with... %26quot;a recipe%26quot;.
How do you get a sweet little 80-year-old lady to say the F word?
Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!
What%26#039;s the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?
A northern fairytale begins %26quot;Once upon a time...%26quot; -A southern fairytale begins %26quot;Y%26#039;all ain%26#039;tgonnabelievethisshit....
Why is there no Disneyland in China?
No one%26#039;s tall enough to go on the good rides
Reply:lol...i dont get it.
Reply:so, what%26#039;s the question?
Reply:lmoa rotf over and over!!!! what a dumb ***!!
to funny! kep em coming
Reply:Funny, as I am all Polish. My mom likes to tell me that I have an IQ of 138(true) but use my a+s+s to think.
Reply:hahaha! i like the punch line :)
Reply:hahaha this is so funny!!!!
Black Nail Polish--Alternative to the new Chanel #219?
The new chanel limited edition nail polish #219 is basically selling out, and it is on websites to sell but for very outrageous prices. My question is does anyone have any alternatives to buy a good black nail polish? I did find cover girl beyond nail polish in midnight magic, it is a very dark color, almost black, but has a blue undertone to it. But would like to find another black polish to wear. Thank you--Sheila
Black Nail Polish--Alternative to the new Chanel #219?
I watched E! News and they are raving about the new Chanel black polish. They said that an alternative is Wet n%26#039; Wild%26#039;s black polish b/c it was nearly impossible to get the Chanel one. I know Wet n%26#039; Wild is super cheap and we all wore it in the 6th grade but if they recommended it, I’d try it.
Reply:i love black fingernail polish, i am no where near gothic. i am a varsity cheerleader, and i dress up everyday. Black nail polish doesnt have to be gothic, it%26#039;s sexy if you make it that way. Report It
Reply:Don%26#039;t get any halloween ones. They peel super fast. As does the Morbid brand. At the moment, I%26#039;m using NYC, but it didn%26#039;t really come out black(after two coats) it%26#039;s more grey. I just went and looked at the older ones I have, Petites by Scherer is pretty good. However, my favorite, which works REALLY good, is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear. I went a week of wearing them(with two coats) and it didn%26#039;t chip at all. :]
Good luck! %26lt;3
Reply:i ♥ black nail polish, im wearing it right now, (and im NOT goth)
Reply:Sinful Colors #2 Black on Black.
I found it at Meijer, and you%26#039;re not going to find a blacker black. It also wears pretty good and it wasn%26#039;t really expensive.
Reply:I would think black nail polish would be very easy to find at this time (depending on where you live) since halloween stock is out in drug stores, markets and then there%26#039;s the halloween stores as well. I%26#039;d go local retail for this by calling stores from your local directory and stock up.
Black Nail Polish--Alternative to the new Chanel #219?
I watched E! News and they are raving about the new Chanel black polish. They said that an alternative is Wet n%26#039; Wild%26#039;s black polish b/c it was nearly impossible to get the Chanel one. I know Wet n%26#039; Wild is super cheap and we all wore it in the 6th grade but if they recommended it, I’d try it.
Reply:i love black fingernail polish, i am no where near gothic. i am a varsity cheerleader, and i dress up everyday. Black nail polish doesnt have to be gothic, it%26#039;s sexy if you make it that way. Report It
Reply:Don%26#039;t get any halloween ones. They peel super fast. As does the Morbid brand. At the moment, I%26#039;m using NYC, but it didn%26#039;t really come out black(after two coats) it%26#039;s more grey. I just went and looked at the older ones I have, Petites by Scherer is pretty good. However, my favorite, which works REALLY good, is Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear. I went a week of wearing them(with two coats) and it didn%26#039;t chip at all. :]
Good luck! %26lt;3
Reply:i ♥ black nail polish, im wearing it right now, (and im NOT goth)
Reply:Sinful Colors #2 Black on Black.
I found it at Meijer, and you%26#039;re not going to find a blacker black. It also wears pretty good and it wasn%26#039;t really expensive.
Reply:I would think black nail polish would be very easy to find at this time (depending on where you live) since halloween stock is out in drug stores, markets and then there%26#039;s the halloween stores as well. I%26#039;d go local retail for this by calling stores from your local directory and stock up.
Mood Nail Polish?
I already know that there is such a thig as mood nail polish. What I want to know is if there is there a mood nail polish that is clear to start with and then turns into a bright color when it warms up.
I have this car I made in my Tech-Ed class and I want to put this nail polish on it so that when someone picks it up it%26#039;ll leave the mark (hopefully).
It%26#039;s a kinda weird idea, but people were already complimenting on how it looked so cool when it only had spray painted polka dots on it, and I put regular nail polish on it, it looked even more creative.
So please help me find what I%26#039;m looking for.
Mood Nail Polish?
I also think there is such a thing but its going to be hard to find. Search it on ebay and google and maybe it%26#039;ll give ya something!
Hope I Helped!
small business
I have this car I made in my Tech-Ed class and I want to put this nail polish on it so that when someone picks it up it%26#039;ll leave the mark (hopefully).
It%26#039;s a kinda weird idea, but people were already complimenting on how it looked so cool when it only had spray painted polka dots on it, and I put regular nail polish on it, it looked even more creative.
So please help me find what I%26#039;m looking for.
Mood Nail Polish?
I also think there is such a thing but its going to be hard to find. Search it on ebay and google and maybe it%26#039;ll give ya something!
Hope I Helped!
small business
Polish Children's Books?
Can anyone recommend Polish stories for children which are either on-line or published in England?
Also any Polish books translated into English which tell traditional Polish stories?
Polish Children%26#039;s Books?
The Glass Mountain and Other Polish Fairy Tales
1 CHATKA PUCHATKA BILINGUAL ED (The House at Pooh Corner) $54.95
2 Pied Piper Children%26#039;s Book in Polish/English $17.95
3 Mei Ling’s Hiccups in Polish %26amp; English $17.95
4 About Poland Coloring Books (3 set of Coloring Books) $24.95
5 Lullabies from Around the World (AudioCD %26amp; Book) $19.95
7 Mrowka Andy (8 Books) $49.90
8 Legend of Cracow Pigeons (Book) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
9 Alicja W Krainie Czarow $39.95
10 Asteriks I Normanowie $34.95
11 Asteriks Legionista $34.95
12 Asteriks U Brytow $34.95
15 SLON TRABALSKI i inne wiersze $24.99
16 Polskie Stroje Ludowe (Coloring Book ) $24.95
17 The Legend of the Bugler of Cracow (Book) Updated 06/01/2007 $19.95
18 King Sigismunds Alchemy Legend (BooK) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
19 Legend of Saint Stanislaus (Book) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
21 Walka Wodzow $34.95
22 Wyprawa Dookola Galii $34.95
23 Zloty Sierp $34.95
24 NA JAGODY $22.95
26 Chatka Puchatka (Polish) $29.95
27 Tomek Kociak $19.95
[Next 18]
Reply:I think the girl has it in one.
fashion accessories
Also any Polish books translated into English which tell traditional Polish stories?
Polish Children%26#039;s Books?
The Glass Mountain and Other Polish Fairy Tales
1 CHATKA PUCHATKA BILINGUAL ED (The House at Pooh Corner) $54.95
2 Pied Piper Children%26#039;s Book in Polish/English $17.95
3 Mei Ling’s Hiccups in Polish %26amp; English $17.95
4 About Poland Coloring Books (3 set of Coloring Books) $24.95
5 Lullabies from Around the World (AudioCD %26amp; Book) $19.95
7 Mrowka Andy (8 Books) $49.90
8 Legend of Cracow Pigeons (Book) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
9 Alicja W Krainie Czarow $39.95
10 Asteriks I Normanowie $34.95
11 Asteriks Legionista $34.95
12 Asteriks U Brytow $34.95
15 SLON TRABALSKI i inne wiersze $24.99
16 Polskie Stroje Ludowe (Coloring Book ) $24.95
17 The Legend of the Bugler of Cracow (Book) Updated 06/01/2007 $19.95
18 King Sigismunds Alchemy Legend (BooK) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
19 Legend of Saint Stanislaus (Book) in English, German and Polish Updated 06/01/2007 $14.95
21 Walka Wodzow $34.95
22 Wyprawa Dookola Galii $34.95
23 Zloty Sierp $34.95
24 NA JAGODY $22.95
26 Chatka Puchatka (Polish) $29.95
27 Tomek Kociak $19.95
[Next 18]
Reply:I think the girl has it in one.
fashion accessories
Polish people are taking over ireland?
the polish make up 10% of irelands population, and theres talks of polish becoming an official language of ireland, theres polish shops everywhere and when you walk down a street in ireland your garranteed to hear people speaking, what should i do, i feel like an immigrant in my own country
Polish people are taking over ireland?
Ok I am Polish and Irish so perhaps I would be the best person to answer this question
I have always felt closer to my Polish family and Polish was my first language
They are some of the most educated people in the world but are also extremely good at physical labour.
If you had grown up in a communist country as we had you would be thrilled to see other places and make money in the process
They will not stay in Ireland for long
Maybe you should embrace a culture other than your own for once.
Reply:i hate that place ******* Report It
Reply:sad to see that you are getting what the UK has had for years...........but then again they can still get all the social money over in Ireland can%26#039;t they.
amazing that they plead poverty yet can still get in and out of all these countries.
Reply:Maybe you should first learn your own language completely? With all the spelling mistakes you make, I bet most Poles can speak %26quot;your%26quot; language better than you.
Reply:Welcome to the new world order. Stinks, doesn%26#039;t it?
Reply:10% of the population is the figure for the amount of people in Ireland that weren%26#039;t born here. And most of them are citizens of the UK, mostly England. UK nationals are numbered over 100,000. Other EU countries number over 150,000, this includes Poland the largest single nationality after UK(numbering approximately 50,000) followed by Lithuania and France, Italy, Germany.
The shops are also shops for Eastern European food, for countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and even Ukraine and Bulgaria.
As for the language, I don%26#039;t suppose you speak Irish when you%26#039;re walking down the street? And nobody is going to make Polish a national language in Ireland. Most Polish in Ireland come for two to four years and return home after they have made enough money to start a business or build a home, basically capital to create a modern Poland.
website design
Polish people are taking over ireland?
Ok I am Polish and Irish so perhaps I would be the best person to answer this question
I have always felt closer to my Polish family and Polish was my first language
They are some of the most educated people in the world but are also extremely good at physical labour.
If you had grown up in a communist country as we had you would be thrilled to see other places and make money in the process
They will not stay in Ireland for long
Maybe you should embrace a culture other than your own for once.
Reply:i hate that place ******* Report It
Reply:sad to see that you are getting what the UK has had for years...........but then again they can still get all the social money over in Ireland can%26#039;t they.
amazing that they plead poverty yet can still get in and out of all these countries.
Reply:Maybe you should first learn your own language completely? With all the spelling mistakes you make, I bet most Poles can speak %26quot;your%26quot; language better than you.
Reply:Welcome to the new world order. Stinks, doesn%26#039;t it?
Reply:10% of the population is the figure for the amount of people in Ireland that weren%26#039;t born here. And most of them are citizens of the UK, mostly England. UK nationals are numbered over 100,000. Other EU countries number over 150,000, this includes Poland the largest single nationality after UK(numbering approximately 50,000) followed by Lithuania and France, Italy, Germany.
The shops are also shops for Eastern European food, for countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and even Ukraine and Bulgaria.
As for the language, I don%26#039;t suppose you speak Irish when you%26#039;re walking down the street? And nobody is going to make Polish a national language in Ireland. Most Polish in Ireland come for two to four years and return home after they have made enough money to start a business or build a home, basically capital to create a modern Poland.
website design
Polish american congress in ann arbor michigan?
I am polish and I have heard there is an ann arbor chapter of ther polish american congress. I was searching for a contact info and am not able to find anything. They also are supposed to have a carnival today on green road ann arbor and I would appreciate it if someone could give me some more info, like the location and time. please help, I am desparate to get to know some polish people. thank you
Polish american congress in ann arbor michigan?
freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~atpc/p... - 24k
performing arts
I am polish and I have heard there is an ann arbor chapter of ther polish american congress. I was searching for a contact info and am not able to find anything. They also are supposed to have a carnival today on green road ann arbor and I would appreciate it if someone could give me some more info, like the location and time. please help, I am desparate to get to know some polish people. thank you
Polish american congress in ann arbor michigan?
freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~atpc/p... - 24k
performing arts
Right Nail Polish color?
I have black hair and light olive skin and I can never choose a right nail polish color to wear. Any nail polish that I ever buy is not right for me and always come out looking bad on my nails (which are semi-long, but I am in the process of growing them out.) I have a lot of nail polishes that I am never going to use. I write this question because I just bought another nail polish color and it came out looking really bad on me. Can anyone please help me? Thank you SO much!
Right Nail Polish color?
salmon color is always pretty i have black hair and olive skin too..... or you can do french it goes with anything
Reply:Natural, manicured nails are in. Top them off with a clear coat, non-chip polish.
Reply:pink, or bronze/gold shades will look great on you, i wear it all the time. or why not paint you%26#039;re tips white and rest of you%26#039;re nail light pink (french manicure) that suits everyone.
Reply:That%26#039;s a pain. I have a bunch like that too. Test them before buying them. Most places have a piece of paper where you can test it. Or if you don%26#039;t mind have multi-coloured nails for a little while, swipe some on your nail.
I%26#039;ve been buying a lot of O.P.I. nail polish lately and I really like what they do. All the places that I%26#039;ve been to that sells it has fake nails with the colour painted on them. So you can put the nail over your own and see what it would look like. It hasn%26#039;t failed me yet.
Reply:Just stick with a french manicure.
Reply:Go for french manicure.
Reply:well you can choose 2 colors that you like (something like red and pink or white and silver). then, first cover your nails with the darker color. second, use a toothpick to design a simple picture onto your nail (over the 1st layer). (at this time, make sure the 1st coating is dry) flowers and just dots work perfectly.
then, just try to match your clothes with your nails. trust me, you will look fine. add on some jewelry.
you can also always try some glitter on your nails.
even if you think it doesnt match, it doesnt mean everyone else will think that too.
Reply:U can choose any color that match with ur colths or u can go for freanch it%26#039;s nice for every things .... but the point is on what r u going to wear... not in your hair or ur skin color
Thank U
Reply:i Would go with a red
Reply:I always choose something way different. I like to go out of my comfort zone with nail colors. Try it!
Right Nail Polish color?
salmon color is always pretty i have black hair and olive skin too..... or you can do french it goes with anything
Reply:Natural, manicured nails are in. Top them off with a clear coat, non-chip polish.
Reply:pink, or bronze/gold shades will look great on you, i wear it all the time. or why not paint you%26#039;re tips white and rest of you%26#039;re nail light pink (french manicure) that suits everyone.
Reply:That%26#039;s a pain. I have a bunch like that too. Test them before buying them. Most places have a piece of paper where you can test it. Or if you don%26#039;t mind have multi-coloured nails for a little while, swipe some on your nail.
I%26#039;ve been buying a lot of O.P.I. nail polish lately and I really like what they do. All the places that I%26#039;ve been to that sells it has fake nails with the colour painted on them. So you can put the nail over your own and see what it would look like. It hasn%26#039;t failed me yet.
Reply:Just stick with a french manicure.
Reply:Go for french manicure.
Reply:well you can choose 2 colors that you like (something like red and pink or white and silver). then, first cover your nails with the darker color. second, use a toothpick to design a simple picture onto your nail (over the 1st layer). (at this time, make sure the 1st coating is dry) flowers and just dots work perfectly.
then, just try to match your clothes with your nails. trust me, you will look fine. add on some jewelry.
you can also always try some glitter on your nails.
even if you think it doesnt match, it doesnt mean everyone else will think that too.
Reply:U can choose any color that match with ur colths or u can go for freanch it%26#039;s nice for every things .... but the point is on what r u going to wear... not in your hair or ur skin color
Thank U
Reply:i Would go with a red
Reply:I always choose something way different. I like to go out of my comfort zone with nail colors. Try it!
Polish church?
id love to understand and study the bible
but my parents go to a polish church and yes im polish yes i can speak and talk polish but i cant understand well enough to actually learn what the priest is saying
should start going to english church my self?
Polish church?
You should do what is in your heart for your own sake.
Reply:By Polish Church I assume you mean Roman Catholic. Most Polish people are Catholic. Go to Mass in English if you want to...what harm would it do? Also, try finding a Polish/English Roman Missal. This way you can follow along with the English translation. This is what I do when I attend Mass in Latin. I would be lost without my Latin/English Missal.
p.s. That Pastor Art guy who posted above me....just wants you to go to a non denominational church. Don%26#039;t listen to him. Stick to your Polish roots...only attend a Roman Catholic Mass.
Reply:Yes find a church which teaches the Bible.
There are lots of links to help you study the bible on the links below.
Pastor Art
Reply:Can%26#039;t hurt.
Reply:Yes, ask you parents to take you to an English speaking church. But if you%26#039;re Polish...I assume Catholic. If that%26#039;s true, the mass can be followed in any language. So, if you go to an English speaking mass, then it won%26#039;t be too different for you.
Reply:Find out if your church offers an English service later in the day. I%26#039;m not sure if I understand your question because you say that you can speak it, is it that you can%26#039;t read it? Is the service in Latin or Polish? Well either way, try to be fluent in your language that is always a plus when going for a job. As far as studying the bible, you can get a study bible, in English and if you have any questions you can go to bible study at your church or speak with your priest.
home theater
but my parents go to a polish church and yes im polish yes i can speak and talk polish but i cant understand well enough to actually learn what the priest is saying
should start going to english church my self?
Polish church?
You should do what is in your heart for your own sake.
Reply:By Polish Church I assume you mean Roman Catholic. Most Polish people are Catholic. Go to Mass in English if you want to...what harm would it do? Also, try finding a Polish/English Roman Missal. This way you can follow along with the English translation. This is what I do when I attend Mass in Latin. I would be lost without my Latin/English Missal.
p.s. That Pastor Art guy who posted above me....just wants you to go to a non denominational church. Don%26#039;t listen to him. Stick to your Polish roots...only attend a Roman Catholic Mass.
Reply:Yes find a church which teaches the Bible.
There are lots of links to help you study the bible on the links below.
Pastor Art
Reply:Can%26#039;t hurt.
Reply:Yes, ask you parents to take you to an English speaking church. But if you%26#039;re Polish...I assume Catholic. If that%26#039;s true, the mass can be followed in any language. So, if you go to an English speaking mass, then it won%26#039;t be too different for you.
Reply:Find out if your church offers an English service later in the day. I%26#039;m not sure if I understand your question because you say that you can speak it, is it that you can%26#039;t read it? Is the service in Latin or Polish? Well either way, try to be fluent in your language that is always a plus when going for a job. As far as studying the bible, you can get a study bible, in English and if you have any questions you can go to bible study at your church or speak with your priest.
home theater
Polish, German, Czech: in Chicago and neighboring areas?
Are there any stores around those areas where I can buy authentic Polish crafts (souvenirs)? Maybe some of those Polish wooden boxes? Also, where are the best casual Polish dining spots? Same for German and Czech.
Polish, German, Czech: in Chicago and neighboring areas?
Chicago has the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw (a fact!) So it stands to reason that me have a lot of polish restaurants (http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin... Most of the restaurants are loacated in heavily Polish neighborhoods, so there are probably a few Polish craft stores nearby as well. We also have a large German population and a lot of great german restaurants. One of the most popular German areas is located near Lawrence Western Ave. There is a little stretch of street that has about three or four German restaurants, a couple of German bars and some german craft stores. It%26#039;s designed to look like a little German village. In addition, the stretch of Lincoln Ave between Irving Park and Montrose has a lot of German restaurants too (Zum Deutschen Eck is the most popular) http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin...
Finally, the Czech popularion is pretty large here too, though not as large as German and Polish. But there are entire streets where it seems every apartment building is filled with Czechs. There are some Czech speciality restaurants (http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin... If you go to one, ask one of the waitresses where to find a good Czech craft store. Heck, they may even sell trinkets and stuff in the restaurants itself.
Reply:Check out the Chicago Reader%26#039;s Restaurant Finder
or the Chicago Tribune%26#039;s Metromix Restaurant Guide
Both allow you to search by type of cuisine and offer capsule reviews.
For shopping, you might try The Polish Store, 3063-3069 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Reply:I live in a polish neighborhood and there is a good restaurant 52nd and archer its called szatas.
Polish, German, Czech: in Chicago and neighboring areas?
Chicago has the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw (a fact!) So it stands to reason that me have a lot of polish restaurants (http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin... Most of the restaurants are loacated in heavily Polish neighborhoods, so there are probably a few Polish craft stores nearby as well. We also have a large German population and a lot of great german restaurants. One of the most popular German areas is located near Lawrence Western Ave. There is a little stretch of street that has about three or four German restaurants, a couple of German bars and some german craft stores. It%26#039;s designed to look like a little German village. In addition, the stretch of Lincoln Ave between Irving Park and Montrose has a lot of German restaurants too (Zum Deutschen Eck is the most popular) http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin...
Finally, the Czech popularion is pretty large here too, though not as large as German and Polish. But there are entire streets where it seems every apartment building is filled with Czechs. There are some Czech speciality restaurants (http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/dinin... If you go to one, ask one of the waitresses where to find a good Czech craft store. Heck, they may even sell trinkets and stuff in the restaurants itself.
Reply:Check out the Chicago Reader%26#039;s Restaurant Finder
or the Chicago Tribune%26#039;s Metromix Restaurant Guide
Both allow you to search by type of cuisine and offer capsule reviews.
For shopping, you might try The Polish Store, 3063-3069 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Reply:I live in a polish neighborhood and there is a good restaurant 52nd and archer its called szatas.
Polish ivading our countries?
Polish ivading our countries?
Polish?? They are one of the immigrant people that helped build America and Canada and are a good member of the EU. I guess Islam hasn%26#039;t arrived in you neighbourhood yet if your worried about the Polish??
Reply:If you are an American, the following question would be appropriate: Is it fair that your government is supporting some lobbies who stand for forcing Poland to give up property which happend to belong, once uppon a time, to some wealty Jews, who don%26#039;t even live any more? Didn%26#039;t Poles suffer enough of Nazi occupation, 50 years of Communist rule, and, during the last 18 years, blackmailing from greedy Capitalist %26quot;pigs%26quot; (I appologize to real pigs for comparing them with these Capitalists)?
Reply:where do you live then?
if they steel your job it means they%26#039;re smarter and more crafty then you.
they don%26#039;t bring out the capital outside your country and they pay taxes like you. Sometime the immigrants are more attractive to the employer cause he can pay them less money then you ask just relax and find excuses inside your own personality
Reply:I live in Wales: kick out the English! This is a Celtic island, go back to Germany! :-)
Jk. Actually, I like the English, they work at McDonald%26#039;s. The Poles drive the buses and work at the local cheese factory.
The Indians took my last job, but that was because of outsourcing, the Indians here are all doctors.
I say we move to Poland and take their land and their women, this crummy island is overpopulated anyway.
Reply:NO, NO, NO! It%26#039;s the MEXICANS and SOUTH AMERICANS doing this, not the Polish. Don%26#039;t you keep up with the %26quot;immigrant%26quot; problem. The Polish were the %26quot;problem%26quot; at the end of the 19th century - not today.
Tsk! Tsk! You really must keep on top of the latest underdog.
Reply:Well maybe the reason you are not getting a job is because you can%26#039;t write in basic English. Not %26quot;steeling%26quot; but %26quot;stealing%26quot;, steel is a form of metal, not %26quot;bearly%26quot; but %26quot;barely%26quot;, and you must mean %26quot;their%26quot; not %26quot;there%26quot;. Oh and don%26#039;t repeat yourself and end a question with a question mark. That%26#039;s a basic rundown =)
Someone who%26#039;s Polish
Reply:It is fair
games hardware
Polish ivading our countries?
Polish?? They are one of the immigrant people that helped build America and Canada and are a good member of the EU. I guess Islam hasn%26#039;t arrived in you neighbourhood yet if your worried about the Polish??
Reply:If you are an American, the following question would be appropriate: Is it fair that your government is supporting some lobbies who stand for forcing Poland to give up property which happend to belong, once uppon a time, to some wealty Jews, who don%26#039;t even live any more? Didn%26#039;t Poles suffer enough of Nazi occupation, 50 years of Communist rule, and, during the last 18 years, blackmailing from greedy Capitalist %26quot;pigs%26quot; (I appologize to real pigs for comparing them with these Capitalists)?
Reply:where do you live then?
if they steel your job it means they%26#039;re smarter and more crafty then you.
they don%26#039;t bring out the capital outside your country and they pay taxes like you. Sometime the immigrants are more attractive to the employer cause he can pay them less money then you ask just relax and find excuses inside your own personality
Reply:I live in Wales: kick out the English! This is a Celtic island, go back to Germany! :-)
Jk. Actually, I like the English, they work at McDonald%26#039;s. The Poles drive the buses and work at the local cheese factory.
The Indians took my last job, but that was because of outsourcing, the Indians here are all doctors.
I say we move to Poland and take their land and their women, this crummy island is overpopulated anyway.
Reply:NO, NO, NO! It%26#039;s the MEXICANS and SOUTH AMERICANS doing this, not the Polish. Don%26#039;t you keep up with the %26quot;immigrant%26quot; problem. The Polish were the %26quot;problem%26quot; at the end of the 19th century - not today.
Tsk! Tsk! You really must keep on top of the latest underdog.
Reply:Well maybe the reason you are not getting a job is because you can%26#039;t write in basic English. Not %26quot;steeling%26quot; but %26quot;stealing%26quot;, steel is a form of metal, not %26quot;bearly%26quot; but %26quot;barely%26quot;, and you must mean %26quot;their%26quot; not %26quot;there%26quot;. Oh and don%26#039;t repeat yourself and end a question with a question mark. That%26#039;s a basic rundown =)
Someone who%26#039;s Polish
Reply:It is fair
games hardware
Polish speakers? Help.?
My great grandma died when I was 5 and she spoke polish. I want to learn to speak polish. Do you know how or someone else tha knows how? That way I can learn some words in polish by email.
Polish speakers? Help.?
That%26#039;s a nice little polish course that I found recently. It seems good, so far. And it%26#039;s completely free and even has audio so you can learn how to pronounce everything.
Reply:I%26#039;m trying to learn Polish right now and it%26#039;s been hard. All the book out there are crap, seriously... they are not good.
Why I suggest is find a language center that teaches Polish or find a personal tutor.
That will defiantly help you, especially with the pronunciation, because it%26#039;s really hard.
hope this helps.
Reply:get a polish email friend, ask MS or yahoo for info on polish operating systems and messenger
health care
Polish speakers? Help.?
That%26#039;s a nice little polish course that I found recently. It seems good, so far. And it%26#039;s completely free and even has audio so you can learn how to pronounce everything.
Reply:I%26#039;m trying to learn Polish right now and it%26#039;s been hard. All the book out there are crap, seriously... they are not good.
Why I suggest is find a language center that teaches Polish or find a personal tutor.
That will defiantly help you, especially with the pronunciation, because it%26#039;s really hard.
hope this helps.
Reply:get a polish email friend, ask MS or yahoo for info on polish operating systems and messenger
health care
Polish divorce?
Polish divorce
A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer%26#039;s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:
L: Have you any grounds?
P: Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.
L: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
P: It made of concrete.
L: I don%26#039;t think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
P: No, we have carport, and not need one.
L: I mean. What are your relations like?
P: All my relations still in Poland
L: Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
P: We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.
L: Does your wife beat you up?
P: No, I always up before her.
L: Is your wife a ******?
P: No, she white.
L: Why do you want this divorce?
P: She going to kill me.
L: What makes you think that?
P: I got proof.
L: What kind of proof?
P: She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say: %26#039;Polish Remover%26#039;
Polish divorce?
Reply:great joke ty 4 sharing
Reply:its been so long since i heard that!!! still as good as the first time around...
Reply:Ha Ha! Funny! 10!
Reply:Good one. Thanks for the laugh!
Reply:that was hilarious. plz put some more and here%26#039;s a star. LOL thanks for the laugh!
Reply:Just permeating an old stereotype, huh?
Reply:omg thats funny thanx i needed the laugh
ill give u a star
Reply:heard it before but still funny
Reply:haha :-)
A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer%26#039;s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:
L: Have you any grounds?
P: Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.
L: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
P: It made of concrete.
L: I don%26#039;t think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
P: No, we have carport, and not need one.
L: I mean. What are your relations like?
P: All my relations still in Poland
L: Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
P: We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.
L: Does your wife beat you up?
P: No, I always up before her.
L: Is your wife a ******?
P: No, she white.
L: Why do you want this divorce?
P: She going to kill me.
L: What makes you think that?
P: I got proof.
L: What kind of proof?
P: She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say: %26#039;Polish Remover%26#039;
Polish divorce?
Reply:great joke ty 4 sharing
Reply:its been so long since i heard that!!! still as good as the first time around...
Reply:Ha Ha! Funny! 10!
Reply:Good one. Thanks for the laugh!
Reply:that was hilarious. plz put some more and here%26#039;s a star. LOL thanks for the laugh!
Reply:Just permeating an old stereotype, huh?
Reply:omg thats funny thanx i needed the laugh
ill give u a star
Reply:heard it before but still funny
Reply:haha :-)
Polish speakers?
Are there any fluent polish speakers out there that speak english too, that would like to have a penpal? I am 17 yr old female with a Polish background and am interested in learning some Polish and learning more about Poland and their culture. Thank you!
Polish speakers?
i%26#039;m 17 years old too and live in Poland from birth. i%26#039;m good at English so i think i can help you :)
Reply:I%26#039;m Pole! I can%26#039;t speak english very well but if you want you can email me:)
Reply:if u wanna learn some lang n stuff i may help u =)
Reply:well im 100% polish
i lived there for 10 years and i moved here in 2002
i still speak polish and all
but im kinda forgetting how to spell
performing arts
Polish speakers?
i%26#039;m 17 years old too and live in Poland from birth. i%26#039;m good at English so i think i can help you :)
Reply:I%26#039;m Pole! I can%26#039;t speak english very well but if you want you can email me:)
Reply:if u wanna learn some lang n stuff i may help u =)
Reply:well im 100% polish
i lived there for 10 years and i moved here in 2002
i still speak polish and all
but im kinda forgetting how to spell
performing arts
For all Polish: Is Polish hard to type?
I was looking at the Polish Wikipedia the other day, just for fun, and man, Polish has like a bazillion little marks and special letters. If they had the keyboard I have, that must be hell to type. Is it hard to type Polish? Do you have a special keyboard?
For all Polish: Is Polish hard to type?
No it%26#039;s not that hard...I switch my keyboard into polish, all computers have this, u don%26#039;t need to buy a special keyboard u just switch it to a different setting, it has all kind of languages.
Reply:haha it%26#039;s not hard to type.
See I have the keyboard you have, so I%26#039;m not typing any of those %26quot;marks and special letters%26quot;
but people in Poland just use %26quot;ctrl%26quot;, %26quot;shift%26quot; and %26quot;alt%26quot; along with some letters to make the %26quot;marks%26quot;
it%26#039;s really not a big deal :)
Reply:well not for me, i just use %26quot;alt%26quot; and the letter
visual arts
For all Polish: Is Polish hard to type?
No it%26#039;s not that hard...I switch my keyboard into polish, all computers have this, u don%26#039;t need to buy a special keyboard u just switch it to a different setting, it has all kind of languages.
Reply:haha it%26#039;s not hard to type.
See I have the keyboard you have, so I%26#039;m not typing any of those %26quot;marks and special letters%26quot;
but people in Poland just use %26quot;ctrl%26quot;, %26quot;shift%26quot; and %26quot;alt%26quot; along with some letters to make the %26quot;marks%26quot;
it%26#039;s really not a big deal :)
Reply:well not for me, i just use %26quot;alt%26quot; and the letter
visual arts
Replacement for nail polish remover?
Does any one know of a way to get nail polish remover off skin? I babysit this little girl and she covered her hands with glittery nail polish. I dont ever wear nail polish so i dont own nail polish remover, do you know of any common house hold item that gets nail polish remover off?
Replacement for nail polish remover?
Paint solvent would be another alternative, although it is very strong and toxic.
Rubbing alcohol may do it, but it%26#039;s slower and you%26#039;ll have to make sure the little girl doesn%26#039;t have any cuts/scrapes or it%26#039;ll burn really bad.
Otherwise, soak the hands in warm water, as warm/hot as possible and gently rub over the skin until the polish peels off.
It will eventually come off with showers and baths.
Soap does not help.
Reply:maybe alcohol mixed w/oil might work or hair spray .
Reply:nail polish eventually just wears off the skin...
I have SUPER short nails since i used to bite them. I would always get nail polish on the skin... i would wash my hair or do dishes and the nail polish would come off my skin...
have her help you clean the house!!
Reply:like perfume
makeup tips
Replacement for nail polish remover?
Paint solvent would be another alternative, although it is very strong and toxic.
Rubbing alcohol may do it, but it%26#039;s slower and you%26#039;ll have to make sure the little girl doesn%26#039;t have any cuts/scrapes or it%26#039;ll burn really bad.
Otherwise, soak the hands in warm water, as warm/hot as possible and gently rub over the skin until the polish peels off.
It will eventually come off with showers and baths.
Soap does not help.
Reply:maybe alcohol mixed w/oil might work or hair spray .
Reply:nail polish eventually just wears off the skin...
I have SUPER short nails since i used to bite them. I would always get nail polish on the skin... i would wash my hair or do dishes and the nail polish would come off my skin...
have her help you clean the house!!
Reply:like perfume
makeup tips
Polish book!?
i want to learn polish so does any one know a library in chicopee, mass that has a book on how to speak polish. i found one on how to speak russian and german but i need polish!!! please help me!!
Polish book!?
the chicopee public library :) we can go together
fashion accessories
Polish book!?
the chicopee public library :) we can go together
fashion accessories
Polish Accent?
Does anyone know what a Polish accent is or any resources I could use to learn it? I am not looking to learn the Polish language, simply how to speak English words with a Polish accent.
Links to websites would be helpful...THANK YOU!
Polish Accent?
It%26#039;an extract from the World Idol. The girl they are judging is a polish singer- Alicja Janosz.
There%26#039;s a song performed by her.
Reply:I know there are courses you can take. Start here:
I would love to do that. Not speak with a Polish accent, but to learn to speak with an authentic-sounding British accent would be so cool.
small business web
Links to websites would be helpful...THANK YOU!
Polish Accent?
It%26#039;an extract from the World Idol. The girl they are judging is a polish singer- Alicja Janosz.
There%26#039;s a song performed by her.
Reply:I know there are courses you can take. Start here:
I would love to do that. Not speak with a Polish accent, but to learn to speak with an authentic-sounding British accent would be so cool.
small business web
Polish in ireland?
why do all polish men who live in dublin have a shaved head and are big and muscly is it a cultural thing..
Polish in ireland?
Must come to Dublin to check out these hunks!!!!
i noticed this...a lot of them work in construction though...
I think its just fine breeding
The Polish guys that work at my Dart station are hot
and just as well they are...cuz they%26#039;re freakin everywhere!
Reply:Because going to the gym and eating sensibly is normal for them. And it shows. They are fine!!!!
No bad thing, this. Especially if it makes Irish men take better care of their appearance and hygiene.
Reply:Why don%26#039;t you ask them?
Reply:I don%26#039;t hear any Irish women complaining...:)
Reply:They%26#039;re also very tanned, generally. Most of the Polish have been quite civil, friendly and hard working in my experience.
Reply:is worth a visit I would say ;-)
Reply:Is this why Ireland gave Poland alot of points in the Eurovision song contest?
Reply:I def noticed a mass popularity of polish men when i was in Ireland. I don%26#039;t know any personally but all my bus drivers where polish and they where THE best fricking drivers i%26#039;ve ever witnessed.They where like parallel parking those HUGE coach buses in tiny spaces and backing into a crowded area and OMG amazement
Polish in ireland?
Must come to Dublin to check out these hunks!!!!
i noticed this...a lot of them work in construction though...
I think its just fine breeding
The Polish guys that work at my Dart station are hot
and just as well they are...cuz they%26#039;re freakin everywhere!
Reply:Because going to the gym and eating sensibly is normal for them. And it shows. They are fine!!!!
No bad thing, this. Especially if it makes Irish men take better care of their appearance and hygiene.
Reply:Why don%26#039;t you ask them?
Reply:I don%26#039;t hear any Irish women complaining...:)
Reply:They%26#039;re also very tanned, generally. Most of the Polish have been quite civil, friendly and hard working in my experience.
Reply:is worth a visit I would say ;-)
Reply:Is this why Ireland gave Poland alot of points in the Eurovision song contest?
Reply:I def noticed a mass popularity of polish men when i was in Ireland. I don%26#039;t know any personally but all my bus drivers where polish and they where THE best fricking drivers i%26#039;ve ever witnessed.They where like parallel parking those HUGE coach buses in tiny spaces and backing into a crowded area and OMG amazement
Polish divorce
A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer%26#039;s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:
L: Have you any grounds?
P: Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.
L: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
P: It made of concrete.
L: I don%26#039;t think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
P: No, we have carport, and not need one.
L: I mean. What are your relations like?
P: All my relations still in Poland
L: Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
P: We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.
L: Does your wife beat you up?
P: No, I always up before her.
L: Is your wife a ******?
P: No, she white.
L: Why do you want this divorce?
P: She going to kill me.
L: What makes you think that?
P: I got proof.
L: What kind of proof?
P: She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say: %26#039;Polish Remover%26#039;
I shouldn%26#039;t laugh, but I am!
Reply:Very funny
Reply:ahahahahaha ! did NOT expect that , ahahahha
Reply:It is funny! However, I already heard that before!
Reply:omg.....very funny
excellent...awesome....made my day...made me lol...good job...keep up the good jokes!...funny...still wiping my tears from laughing so hard
Reply:I really like this one!! It%26#039;s hilarious, thanks for the laugh!!
Reply:I mean this in the kindest possible way: Did you take your meds this morning?
Reply:LOL that%26#039;s soo funny!!
Reply:cute! thanks for the laugh.
Very Funny!
have a star
Reply:lol, have a star!
Reply:ROFL~! Omg that%26#039;s hilarious xD uggh. if i could remember this i%26#039;d soooo tell all my friends.
Reply:poor polish man...
Reply:OMG...my polish friend is going to kill me when I tell him this...but it is sooooo FUNNY!!!
annual credit report
A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer%26#039;s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:
L: Have you any grounds?
P: Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.
L: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
P: It made of concrete.
L: I don%26#039;t think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
P: No, we have carport, and not need one.
L: I mean. What are your relations like?
P: All my relations still in Poland
L: Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
P: We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.
L: Does your wife beat you up?
P: No, I always up before her.
L: Is your wife a ******?
P: No, she white.
L: Why do you want this divorce?
P: She going to kill me.
L: What makes you think that?
P: I got proof.
L: What kind of proof?
P: She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say: %26#039;Polish Remover%26#039;
I shouldn%26#039;t laugh, but I am!
Reply:Very funny
Reply:ahahahahaha ! did NOT expect that , ahahahha
Reply:It is funny! However, I already heard that before!
Reply:omg.....very funny
excellent...awesome....made my day...made me lol...good job...keep up the good jokes!...funny...still wiping my tears from laughing so hard
Reply:I really like this one!! It%26#039;s hilarious, thanks for the laugh!!
Reply:I mean this in the kindest possible way: Did you take your meds this morning?
Reply:LOL that%26#039;s soo funny!!
Reply:cute! thanks for the laugh.
Very Funny!
have a star
Reply:lol, have a star!
Reply:ROFL~! Omg that%26#039;s hilarious xD uggh. if i could remember this i%26#039;d soooo tell all my friends.
Reply:poor polish man...
Reply:OMG...my polish friend is going to kill me when I tell him this...but it is sooooo FUNNY!!!
annual credit report
Polish Traditions?
This was the closest area I could find to ask this question.
Does anyone have links to websites, or can tell me about their own family%26#039;s Polish marriage traditions.
My fiance %26amp; I are both half Polish and I really wanted to incorporate some Polish traditions into our wedding if possible. I want to do more than just play a polka at our reception.
Thank you!
Polish Traditions?
The Polka is actually a German dance, hun.
I%26#039;ve never seen people doing the polka at any of the weddings I%26#039;ve been to... and I%26#039;m 100% Polish, born and raised, and live in America now but attend dozens of Polish weddings.
The best way to incorporate Polish tradition includes:
1. A polish menu! Polish food is a must at a Polish wedding. If you email me I%26#039;ll detail to you what Polish food is.
2. Traditions are actually very similar as to here - a groom has to pull down a bride%26#039;s garter with only his teeth from beneath her dress; he throws it to bachelors and the first one to catch it gets married next. The bride throws her bouquet.
A big tradition is during the church ceremony to offer white lilies to a statue of the Virgin Mary. The bride usually does this - I remember doing this at my wedding, I even have a photo of it somewhere on my Yahoo 360!
Reply:I really hope this helps :-)
Reply:I really don%26#039;t know, but I love perogies- they are a traditional polish food. you could serve those!
Does anyone have links to websites, or can tell me about their own family%26#039;s Polish marriage traditions.
My fiance %26amp; I are both half Polish and I really wanted to incorporate some Polish traditions into our wedding if possible. I want to do more than just play a polka at our reception.
Thank you!
Polish Traditions?
The Polka is actually a German dance, hun.
I%26#039;ve never seen people doing the polka at any of the weddings I%26#039;ve been to... and I%26#039;m 100% Polish, born and raised, and live in America now but attend dozens of Polish weddings.
The best way to incorporate Polish tradition includes:
1. A polish menu! Polish food is a must at a Polish wedding. If you email me I%26#039;ll detail to you what Polish food is.
2. Traditions are actually very similar as to here - a groom has to pull down a bride%26#039;s garter with only his teeth from beneath her dress; he throws it to bachelors and the first one to catch it gets married next. The bride throws her bouquet.
A big tradition is during the church ceremony to offer white lilies to a statue of the Virgin Mary. The bride usually does this - I remember doing this at my wedding, I even have a photo of it somewhere on my Yahoo 360!
Reply:I really hope this helps :-)
Reply:I really don%26#039;t know, but I love perogies- they are a traditional polish food. you could serve those!
Polish Men - How can I date him if I don't speak Polish?
I recently met a gorgeous Polish man and spent all night drinking and dancing at a party, there was a real connection between us but he doesn%26#039;t speak English and I don%26#039;t speak Polish. I%26#039;d really like to see him again, how should I go about it?
Polish Men - How can I date him if I don%26#039;t speak Polish?
why don%26#039;t you offer to teach him English and the same time you learn Polish?
That will be fun for both of you and you will spend more time together.
I am sure he%26#039;d like to learn your language!
If you need help with some Polish words email me.
Good luck and greetings from Poland
Reply:You don%26#039;t speak %26#039;dog%26#039; or %26#039;cat%26#039; either...what makes you think you can communicate with a pet? If you want to make someone understand the salient points, it%26#039;s not all that hard. Otherwise, we never would have developed intenational relations in business or humanitarian aid.
Reply:...Probably not
Reply:If its not one night Stand. Dont date him. You got know each other , and communication would be a problem.
reliable web hosting
Polish Men - How can I date him if I don%26#039;t speak Polish?
why don%26#039;t you offer to teach him English and the same time you learn Polish?
That will be fun for both of you and you will spend more time together.
I am sure he%26#039;d like to learn your language!
If you need help with some Polish words email me.
Good luck and greetings from Poland
Reply:You don%26#039;t speak %26#039;dog%26#039; or %26#039;cat%26#039; either...what makes you think you can communicate with a pet? If you want to make someone understand the salient points, it%26#039;s not all that hard. Otherwise, we never would have developed intenational relations in business or humanitarian aid.
Reply:...Probably not
Reply:If its not one night Stand. Dont date him. You got know each other , and communication would be a problem.
reliable web hosting
Polish words?
I am part Polish and want to learn a little polish. Does anybody know any polish greetings like hello and how are you.
Polish words?
dzien dobry - jane doe-brie goo morning.....
let me see if i can find a link sent by moja brata (my brother) it was a fun one minute polish.....
dobranoc (doe-bra-nutz) good evening/night
Reply:Hello = Cześć
How are you? = Jak się masz?
How are things with you? = Jak tam u Ciebie?
Great, thanks = Wspaniale, dzięki
Thank you = Dziękuję / Dzięki
Good morning / good day = Dzień dobry
Good evening = Dobry wieczór
Goodnight = Dobranoc
Please / You%26#039;re weclome = Proszę
Nice to see you = Miło Cię widzieć
I don%26#039;t know = Nie wiem
I%26#039;m sorry = Przepraszam
You%26#039;d probably be better off finding %26quot;Polish for beginners%26quot; videos online and on youtube because if you have trouble with pronunciation, they%26#039;ll really help you out. I could write the words phonetically for you, but 1) that would take forever, 2) there are some sounds in Polish that simply can%26#039;t be imitated using the English alphabet.
Good luck!
Reply:if you try the last link you can listen to Polish words in Polish!
Reply:Hello- Cześć
Good morning- Dzień dobry
Good evening- Dobry wieczór
I don%26#039;t understand- Nie rozumiem
How are you?- Jak się masz?
How old are you?- Ile masz lat?
Thank you- Dziękuje
Thanks- Dzięki
Proszę- Please
My name is...- Mam na imię ...
Where is...- Gdzie jest...
If you want to know more polish write me
Yellow Teeth
Polish words?
dzien dobry - jane doe-brie goo morning.....
let me see if i can find a link sent by moja brata (my brother) it was a fun one minute polish.....
dobranoc (doe-bra-nutz) good evening/night
Reply:Hello = Cześć
How are you? = Jak się masz?
How are things with you? = Jak tam u Ciebie?
Great, thanks = Wspaniale, dzięki
Thank you = Dziękuję / Dzięki
Good morning / good day = Dzień dobry
Good evening = Dobry wieczór
Goodnight = Dobranoc
Please / You%26#039;re weclome = Proszę
Nice to see you = Miło Cię widzieć
I don%26#039;t know = Nie wiem
I%26#039;m sorry = Przepraszam
You%26#039;d probably be better off finding %26quot;Polish for beginners%26quot; videos online and on youtube because if you have trouble with pronunciation, they%26#039;ll really help you out. I could write the words phonetically for you, but 1) that would take forever, 2) there are some sounds in Polish that simply can%26#039;t be imitated using the English alphabet.
Good luck!
Reply:if you try the last link you can listen to Polish words in Polish!
Reply:Hello- Cześć
Good morning- Dzień dobry
Good evening- Dobry wieczór
I don%26#039;t understand- Nie rozumiem
How are you?- Jak się masz?
How old are you?- Ile masz lat?
Thank you- Dziękuje
Thanks- Dzięki
Proszę- Please
My name is...- Mam na imię ...
Where is...- Gdzie jest...
If you want to know more polish write me
Yellow Teeth
Polish verbs????
Hi! Umm. Yeah I%26#039;m Italian/ American, and I have a Polish/ American friend, and we decided to teach each other our languages. And shes having no problem Learning Italian, but Polish is a little bit harder. Could anyone recommend and good Polish verb book? I would really appreciate it! Thanks! %26lt;3
Polish verbs????
If you want, I can teach you Polish! :) I like Italian language and I learn it.
Reply:hi im polish, are you looking for a grammar book? email me back. vswierczek@yahoo.com
Reply:i dont know a book but poltran.com is great! :)
Polish verbs????
If you want, I can teach you Polish! :) I like Italian language and I learn it.
Reply:hi im polish, are you looking for a grammar book? email me back. vswierczek@yahoo.com
Reply:i dont know a book but poltran.com is great! :)
Polishing old combat boots, best way to clean them up and make is easy to polish?
I pulled out some of my old combat boots and the old polish is cracking and there i a lot of dirt on them. I am asking for tips on the best way to clean them up or get them ready to be polished.
Polishing old combat boots, best way to clean them up and make is easy to polish?
The best thing to do is to take a wet rag to them so you clean off all the mud and dirt. Once they are clean, use rubbing alcohol to strip off the old polish. The alcohol will also open up the pores and make them soak up more polish.
Then start polishing... thins coats with small circle motions with a wet cotton cloth or cotton ball. The more layers you get, the better they will look. If you really want them to look good, get some edge dressing and paint the soles as well. Good luck!
Reply:Walk on a beach. The sand will help strip them. Wash them lightly. Dry completely, sometimes overnite.Dye them. Let the dye Dry overnite. Polish.
Reply:I say it%26#039;s too much work if they are looking bad. A repair shop would crank those out pretty quick with the high speed buffer. Plain old hand lotion will condition them.
Reply:use shaving cream
Polishing old combat boots, best way to clean them up and make is easy to polish?
The best thing to do is to take a wet rag to them so you clean off all the mud and dirt. Once they are clean, use rubbing alcohol to strip off the old polish. The alcohol will also open up the pores and make them soak up more polish.
Then start polishing... thins coats with small circle motions with a wet cotton cloth or cotton ball. The more layers you get, the better they will look. If you really want them to look good, get some edge dressing and paint the soles as well. Good luck!
Reply:Walk on a beach. The sand will help strip them. Wash them lightly. Dry completely, sometimes overnite.Dye them. Let the dye Dry overnite. Polish.
Reply:I say it%26#039;s too much work if they are looking bad. A repair shop would crank those out pretty quick with the high speed buffer. Plain old hand lotion will condition them.
Reply:use shaving cream
I am willing to spend at the most $100 (but preferably NOT that much) on software to learn polish. now im not saying I need to speak it fluently. i just would like to learn as much as possible in as little time as possible. its just my best friend speaks both polish and english fluently and i would like to know enough to converse with him and his family in polish every once in a while! it would be a total dream come true. so yeah any help would be appreciated, mostly if you%26#039;ve found a particular polish software you%26#039;ve tried to be successful or know someone that has. THANKS!!!
In general, the best language software for beginners that I%26#039;ve found is by Topics Entertainment. You used to be able to get a lot of their elementary-level CDs for $10 at Best Buy, but they recently jacked a lot of the prices up to $20-30.
The good news is that they make an awesome %26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; CD-ROM. The bad news is that I%26#039;m pretty sure that it%26#039;s not available for sale by itself in America. However, you can still get a copy! It%26#039;s one of the 33 CDs included in the %26quot;Instant Immersion: 33 Languages%26quot; kit. I was able to buy the Polish CD by itself from someone on eBay, and I%26#039;ve been using it for 2 years now. However, the entire kit is available on Amazon for $35 plus shipping... that%26#039;s not even $2 a CD for 33 really good language CDs!
Topics Entertainment recently started selling %26quot;Instant Immersion 33 Languages Deluxe Version 2.0%26quot; for $40, but I don%26#039;t know if the Polish program included in it is the same as the one included in the original. If I were you, I%26#039;d stick with the original.
%26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; won%26#039;t teach you Polish grammar, but you%26#039;d have a hard time learning that from any CD. Polish has been ranked in the top 10 most difficult foreign languages for native speakers of English to learn, and it%26#039;s because of the grammar. However, %26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; will teach you useful everyday vocabulary (food, clothes, colors, numbers, common objects, travel-related words, etc).
With the program, the first step is to pick a vocab list and go through it. You%26#039;ll see the words in Polish and English, see a picture of what each word means, and can hear it read by two different people (one man, one woman) and at two different speeds (regular, slow). Then, there are a bunch of little quizzes you can take to test yourself. You rack up points by taking quizzes, and there%26#039;s a scoreboard that shows how many points you%26#039;ve earned overall.
If you want to save money, byki.com has a free demo of their Polish program that%26#039;s actually beneficial. I have it on my home computer. I%26#039;m not sure the full program version would be worth what they charge for it, though. It seems overpriced.
Reply:ultimate Polish i learned Arabic from the company its very good and it comes with CD%26#039;s for the computer and a book to write and follow along i think it was like $ 115 dollars? but that is about as good as its gonna get especially for this company and you can find it in Bordersor most book stores
Loose Teeth
In general, the best language software for beginners that I%26#039;ve found is by Topics Entertainment. You used to be able to get a lot of their elementary-level CDs for $10 at Best Buy, but they recently jacked a lot of the prices up to $20-30.
The good news is that they make an awesome %26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; CD-ROM. The bad news is that I%26#039;m pretty sure that it%26#039;s not available for sale by itself in America. However, you can still get a copy! It%26#039;s one of the 33 CDs included in the %26quot;Instant Immersion: 33 Languages%26quot; kit. I was able to buy the Polish CD by itself from someone on eBay, and I%26#039;ve been using it for 2 years now. However, the entire kit is available on Amazon for $35 plus shipping... that%26#039;s not even $2 a CD for 33 really good language CDs!
Topics Entertainment recently started selling %26quot;Instant Immersion 33 Languages Deluxe Version 2.0%26quot; for $40, but I don%26#039;t know if the Polish program included in it is the same as the one included in the original. If I were you, I%26#039;d stick with the original.
%26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; won%26#039;t teach you Polish grammar, but you%26#039;d have a hard time learning that from any CD. Polish has been ranked in the top 10 most difficult foreign languages for native speakers of English to learn, and it%26#039;s because of the grammar. However, %26quot;Instant Immersion: Polish%26quot; will teach you useful everyday vocabulary (food, clothes, colors, numbers, common objects, travel-related words, etc).
With the program, the first step is to pick a vocab list and go through it. You%26#039;ll see the words in Polish and English, see a picture of what each word means, and can hear it read by two different people (one man, one woman) and at two different speeds (regular, slow). Then, there are a bunch of little quizzes you can take to test yourself. You rack up points by taking quizzes, and there%26#039;s a scoreboard that shows how many points you%26#039;ve earned overall.
If you want to save money, byki.com has a free demo of their Polish program that%26#039;s actually beneficial. I have it on my home computer. I%26#039;m not sure the full program version would be worth what they charge for it, though. It seems overpriced.
Reply:ultimate Polish i learned Arabic from the company its very good and it comes with CD%26#039;s for the computer and a book to write and follow along i think it was like $ 115 dollars? but that is about as good as its gonna get especially for this company and you can find it in Bordersor most book stores
Loose Teeth
I have Polish Marble floor ,1500p/c 16x16 1 inch ,about 700p/c sound hollow im want fix without replace?
i tested with a few pieces with grout soup drilled holes about1/4 or 1/8 and filled but is a very slowly proceed, I bought a crack fix epoxy injection and is very good but is very expensive.in both the sound hollow dissapear.whatever SYSTEM I CHOOSE IM CONCERN ABOUT AFTE R POLISH TEATMENT because is the polish machine is too heavy(vibration) can produce the same or worst problem,so Do you know polish hand polish (grinder)powered machine? and what products is the best? Here in Puerto Rico have no company bring repair floor services like hollow,loose floor with inject gel epoxy system( the installer remove the floor and replace) or grout repair . thanks
I have Polish Marble floor ,1500p/c 16x16 1 inch ,about 700p/c sound hollow im want fix without replace?
no clue... but good luck anyway!
skin lesions
I have Polish Marble floor ,1500p/c 16x16 1 inch ,about 700p/c sound hollow im want fix without replace?
no clue... but good luck anyway!
skin lesions
How to clean/polish/wax my car - need expert advice!!?
ok my car is 1991 350sdl mercedes and the first time i saw it (when i got it) was in 2006 so i never saw it new, but im sure it still has some shine potential in it.
These are the products i have.
TurtleWax Polishing Compound and Scratch Remover (white)
TurtleWax Carnauba Cleaner Wax
I also have an electric buffer and polishing cloths.
I have already gotten the car washed - am I ready to polish - how should I approach it?
I%26#039;ve heard people say use Dawn Detergent first to remove old wax? My electric buffer has an %26#039;applicator pad%26#039; that i would use to apply the polish, then a separate one to buff it.
I need step by step instructions on how to do the polish or any advice! thanks
How to clean/polish/wax my car - need expert advice!!?
Do NOT, repeat, NOT, use dishwashing liquid on your car%26#039;s finish!!!!
Meguiar%26#039;s makes a 3 step system called Deep Crystal, that will make your car look beautiful again. It%26#039;s a bit of work, but the end result is worth it.
Reply:i only use meguiars products...
I%26#039;ve heard that turtle was strips off the paint ..
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t use that stuff.
I%26#039;ve always found it to leave a haze.
[There%26#039;s this stuff called %26quot;new car shine%26quot;]
Edit ----
I%26#039;m mistaken, It%26#039;s actually %26quot;Color Back%26quot; which is a Turtle wax product, but better for the same reasons. ---
It is basically a very fine polishing compound with some strippers in it to remove the oxidation and old wax. It does a very gentle job of restoring th finish.
Start with that and then finish with a wax.
That%26#039;s it.
That will make the car look 100% better without going %26quot;professional%26quot; ($$$) and using multiple compounds, clay bars, sealants etc.
Armour all the tires and it will look great!
Good luck.
Reply:The Meguiars products will give you a completely better shine, are easier to apply and will last longer than the turtle wax crap. Meguairs also make a cleaner wax which removes the dullness from old paint as well as shines the car at the same time. It takes a little more effort to do it, but will give you good results. The key to getting a good shine, is quality wax, a clean car, and keeping the car cool and in the shade when you are putting on and buffing off the wax. If the paint gets hot it screws up the wax, makes it dry unevenly and is a real pain in the *** to polish properly.
Also, I%26#039;m not a firm believer in the electric buffers. These things easily get dirt and gunk in the buffing pad which leaves noticeable swirls in the wax and possibly the paint. You may not see it right away, but once your car gets in the sun you will probably notice it. You will get a better job just doing it by hand. it will be more effort, but will give you a better result.
improve skin tone
These are the products i have.
TurtleWax Polishing Compound and Scratch Remover (white)
TurtleWax Carnauba Cleaner Wax
I also have an electric buffer and polishing cloths.
I have already gotten the car washed - am I ready to polish - how should I approach it?
I%26#039;ve heard people say use Dawn Detergent first to remove old wax? My electric buffer has an %26#039;applicator pad%26#039; that i would use to apply the polish, then a separate one to buff it.
I need step by step instructions on how to do the polish or any advice! thanks
How to clean/polish/wax my car - need expert advice!!?
Do NOT, repeat, NOT, use dishwashing liquid on your car%26#039;s finish!!!!
Meguiar%26#039;s makes a 3 step system called Deep Crystal, that will make your car look beautiful again. It%26#039;s a bit of work, but the end result is worth it.
Reply:i only use meguiars products...
I%26#039;ve heard that turtle was strips off the paint ..
Reply:I wouldn%26#039;t use that stuff.
I%26#039;ve always found it to leave a haze.
[There%26#039;s this stuff called %26quot;new car shine%26quot;]
Edit ----
I%26#039;m mistaken, It%26#039;s actually %26quot;Color Back%26quot; which is a Turtle wax product, but better for the same reasons. ---
It is basically a very fine polishing compound with some strippers in it to remove the oxidation and old wax. It does a very gentle job of restoring th finish.
Start with that and then finish with a wax.
That%26#039;s it.
That will make the car look 100% better without going %26quot;professional%26quot; ($$$) and using multiple compounds, clay bars, sealants etc.
Armour all the tires and it will look great!
Good luck.
Reply:The Meguiars products will give you a completely better shine, are easier to apply and will last longer than the turtle wax crap. Meguairs also make a cleaner wax which removes the dullness from old paint as well as shines the car at the same time. It takes a little more effort to do it, but will give you good results. The key to getting a good shine, is quality wax, a clean car, and keeping the car cool and in the shade when you are putting on and buffing off the wax. If the paint gets hot it screws up the wax, makes it dry unevenly and is a real pain in the *** to polish properly.
Also, I%26#039;m not a firm believer in the electric buffers. These things easily get dirt and gunk in the buffing pad which leaves noticeable swirls in the wax and possibly the paint. You may not see it right away, but once your car gets in the sun you will probably notice it. You will get a better job just doing it by hand. it will be more effort, but will give you a better result.
improve skin tone
Are you Polish or of Polish descent - can you help me please?
We have some lovely young Polish friends here in the UK.
One of the couples has just had a lovely baby girl and we are going to see them at the week-end.
I would love to take a Polish type of gift to try to make them feel less far away from home.
I have a gift for the baby - some baby clothes.
What would you suggest as a present for the parents?
Is there any restrictions or %26#039;no-no%26#039;s%26#039; in the colour of flowers - red and white perhaps or does that (as in other cultures, signify death? - that would be a BIG mistake!).
Any suggestions gratefully received. Plus a greeting in Polish for me to write in the card would be wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Are you Polish or of Polish descent - can you help me please?
Reffering to baby clothes: I want to mention that there%26#039;s a superstition in Poland (I don%26#039;t know if it exists in the UK) that children should wear something red especially among other people or during walks because that colour repels evil (and devil) ;DD However, if you%26#039;ve bought non-red clothes, don%26#039;t worry - that superstition is becoming less and less popular.
Reffering to flowers: you can choose any colour, but remember to buy a bunch with odd number of flowers (even number of flowers is put on graves and it does signify death).
Reffering to the gift: if I were you, I%26#039;d buy something typically British - it can be interesting for them. At last they%26#039;re used to Polish stuff.
Greetings: %26quot;Z okazji narodzin Waszego maleństwa, życzymy Mu beztroskiego i zdrowego dzieciństwa, a Wam - odkrywania nowych uroków wspólnego życia%26quot; (taken from greetings%26#039; site ;P). %26quot;On the occasion of Yours toddler%26#039;s birth, we wish Him/Her/(It?) carefree and healthy childhood and You - discovering new charms of shared life.%26quot; You shouldn%26#039;t have problems with writing - specific letters (ń, ż, ó) look the same written as %26quot;in block%26quot;.
Reply:greeting would be :
wszystkiego najlepszego! (all the best(I wish) )
and death color is just black I think...
but i don%26#039;t think there are any special presents in Poland...
just like in any other country...
maybe Vodka?
but... maybe better not...
maybe somehting fro myour country...
cultural exchange would be nice....
the only number i think unlucky would be 13 .....
unfortunately I have not been at bornign a baby so I don%26#039;t know...
Reply:A good present for the parents would just be some nice chocolates.
Red and white flowers would be really nice. That doesn%26#039;t signify death.
For the card:
Z okazji narodzin Waszej córeczki, życzymy ( or życzę) wszystkiego najlepszego!
(We wish you all the best on the occasion of the birth of your little girl)
Use życzę instead of życzymy if it%26#039;s gonna be just you giving the card, so it would be : I wish you all the best...
neutral skin tone
One of the couples has just had a lovely baby girl and we are going to see them at the week-end.
I would love to take a Polish type of gift to try to make them feel less far away from home.
I have a gift for the baby - some baby clothes.
What would you suggest as a present for the parents?
Is there any restrictions or %26#039;no-no%26#039;s%26#039; in the colour of flowers - red and white perhaps or does that (as in other cultures, signify death? - that would be a BIG mistake!).
Any suggestions gratefully received. Plus a greeting in Polish for me to write in the card would be wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Are you Polish or of Polish descent - can you help me please?
Reffering to baby clothes: I want to mention that there%26#039;s a superstition in Poland (I don%26#039;t know if it exists in the UK) that children should wear something red especially among other people or during walks because that colour repels evil (and devil) ;DD However, if you%26#039;ve bought non-red clothes, don%26#039;t worry - that superstition is becoming less and less popular.
Reffering to flowers: you can choose any colour, but remember to buy a bunch with odd number of flowers (even number of flowers is put on graves and it does signify death).
Reffering to the gift: if I were you, I%26#039;d buy something typically British - it can be interesting for them. At last they%26#039;re used to Polish stuff.
Greetings: %26quot;Z okazji narodzin Waszego maleństwa, życzymy Mu beztroskiego i zdrowego dzieciństwa, a Wam - odkrywania nowych uroków wspólnego życia%26quot; (taken from greetings%26#039; site ;P). %26quot;On the occasion of Yours toddler%26#039;s birth, we wish Him/Her/(It?) carefree and healthy childhood and You - discovering new charms of shared life.%26quot; You shouldn%26#039;t have problems with writing - specific letters (ń, ż, ó) look the same written as %26quot;in block%26quot;.
Reply:greeting would be :
wszystkiego najlepszego! (all the best(I wish) )
and death color is just black I think...
but i don%26#039;t think there are any special presents in Poland...
just like in any other country...
maybe Vodka?
but... maybe better not...
maybe somehting fro myour country...
cultural exchange would be nice....
the only number i think unlucky would be 13 .....
unfortunately I have not been at bornign a baby so I don%26#039;t know...
Reply:A good present for the parents would just be some nice chocolates.
Red and white flowers would be really nice. That doesn%26#039;t signify death.
For the card:
Z okazji narodzin Waszej córeczki, życzymy ( or życzę) wszystkiego najlepszego!
(We wish you all the best on the occasion of the birth of your little girl)
Use życzę instead of życzymy if it%26#039;s gonna be just you giving the card, so it would be : I wish you all the best...
neutral skin tone
What is a polish bike ride and polish the country not polish as shine?
What is a polish bike ride and polish the country not polish as shine?i heard it on south park and dont no wat it is
What is a polish bike ride and polish the country not polish as shine?
must be about Poland
Reply:you%26#039;re talking about Poland ?
skin tone
What is a polish bike ride and polish the country not polish as shine?
must be about Poland
Reply:you%26#039;re talking about Poland ?
skin tone
Polish migrant workers?.?
Why do people whinge about Polish workers?. I am a semi retired engineer, I have read all the crap about Polish immigrants, yet I now work amongst them and find they are more adaptable and show a willingness to work, unseen since the 70s with our other imported layabouts. The Asians need to be constantly monitored if only for their own safety, the Africans need supervision for everyones safety, yet the Polish workers will do anything that is asked of them, no quibbles. To be quite honest they remind me of my youth, when a man held a job by his willingness to work, if the job didn%26#039;t appeal to him, he left it to someone else, no big deal in those days. They are everything our mollycoddled brits should be, yet criticise, because they are too lazy or unwilling to put in the effort needed to gain respect as a worker. I cannot blame any employer for utilising their adaptive and unquestioning willingness to work. More the shame on our own home bred, pampered, nitpicking, idle layabouts.
Polish migrant workers?.?
I agree most of the people who complain about them saying that they are taking all of the jobs are not even tryng to get one themselves.
Reply:Toal agreement here
Reply:I worked with a lot of Polish people in the UK, great people to work with and they like a beer at the weekend.
Reply:Totally agree with you, that%26#039;s the reason my husbands company employs Polish workers only, they get the job done with no whinging of quibbles, they are worth their weight in gold.
Reply:I see your point. These wee peems come over here%26#039; trying to get a better life for themslelves and their families. According to the tutors at my local college they are a joy to teach and work very hard, unlike many of this country%26#039;s over spoilt children.
Reply:I agree.
Reply:whole heartedly agree with you I work with some Polish in the care system and cant fault them in anyway.They get on with the job they are employed to do can%26#039;t say the same about some brits though.
Reply:I agree, also those from Bulgaria and Russia work well over here as well.
Reply:I agree with you 100%.I am also a South African when I came here I was doing 2 jobs at a time and I went to college to become a chef(I was already in my 40%26#039;s)I never complained and nor did my bosses.
Reply:i agree, a polish man worked for my mum, they became really good friends and didn%26#039;t backchat or argue about anything, he just got on with it unlike the other workers.
skin tone
Polish migrant workers?.?
I agree most of the people who complain about them saying that they are taking all of the jobs are not even tryng to get one themselves.
Reply:Toal agreement here
Reply:I worked with a lot of Polish people in the UK, great people to work with and they like a beer at the weekend.
Reply:Totally agree with you, that%26#039;s the reason my husbands company employs Polish workers only, they get the job done with no whinging of quibbles, they are worth their weight in gold.
Reply:I see your point. These wee peems come over here%26#039; trying to get a better life for themslelves and their families. According to the tutors at my local college they are a joy to teach and work very hard, unlike many of this country%26#039;s over spoilt children.
Reply:I agree.
Reply:whole heartedly agree with you I work with some Polish in the care system and cant fault them in anyway.They get on with the job they are employed to do can%26#039;t say the same about some brits though.
Reply:I agree, also those from Bulgaria and Russia work well over here as well.
Reply:I agree with you 100%.I am also a South African when I came here I was doing 2 jobs at a time and I went to college to become a chef(I was already in my 40%26#039;s)I never complained and nor did my bosses.
Reply:i agree, a polish man worked for my mum, they became really good friends and didn%26#039;t backchat or argue about anything, he just got on with it unlike the other workers.
skin tone
Polish then wax or Wax then Polish?
Do you polish first then wax or Wax then polish a car?
Polish then wax or Wax then Polish?
Wax and the Polish to make sure that it shines
Reply:wax first then polish
Reply:Wash it first.... then wax it.... and then polish it... You can%26#039;t polish it without some wax on the surface or you will scrtch the paint.
Reply:wax then polish
Reply:Although applied like waxes, polishes aren%26#039;t the same--they make the surface very shiny but don%26#039;t protect it like a wax does. Using a polish before a wax can give a deeper shine than wax alone. Water spots, small scratches, or other minor surface imperfections can often be removed by polishing gently.
Reply:Not sure why this is in laundry..
but you wax then polish the wax..
Reply:Either or, most waxes are polishes any way
Polish then wax or Wax then Polish?
Wax and the Polish to make sure that it shines
Reply:wax first then polish
Reply:Wash it first.... then wax it.... and then polish it... You can%26#039;t polish it without some wax on the surface or you will scrtch the paint.
Reply:wax then polish
Reply:Although applied like waxes, polishes aren%26#039;t the same--they make the surface very shiny but don%26#039;t protect it like a wax does. Using a polish before a wax can give a deeper shine than wax alone. Water spots, small scratches, or other minor surface imperfections can often be removed by polishing gently.
Reply:Not sure why this is in laundry..
but you wax then polish the wax..
Reply:Either or, most waxes are polishes any way
Is there any Polish Teens who speak english and hopefully Polish maybe even in waterbury?
Im askin cause i know no polish teens and i would love to be able to talk to polish teens I am polish. I was born in the US but i speak polish. Also my parents were born in Poland. Personally I prefer e-mail or im.
Is there any Polish Teens who speak english and hopefully Polish maybe even in waterbury?
There CAN be some Polish kids around you. Just follow this%26gt; Divide the number of Polish people to the number of cities and you%26#039;ll get the possibility. Or you can just ask the people around you
Reply:i%26#039;m sorry i know nobody
Reply:Yes i am sure of it.
z Krakowa :) z radoscią pomoge ci w odnajdywaniu Twojej polskosci:)
Reply:hey yea im polish and im a teen and i live in new york so if u wanna contact me go right ahead at muminka12@yahoo.com
yha forgot to tell u i speak polish
Reply:yes...for example me.....I live in Szczecin. You can write with me my mail: olga2210@buziaczek.pl
Reply:i speak english and polish.
Reply:hazardzistka@gazeta.pl :)
Is there any Polish Teens who speak english and hopefully Polish maybe even in waterbury?
There CAN be some Polish kids around you. Just follow this%26gt; Divide the number of Polish people to the number of cities and you%26#039;ll get the possibility. Or you can just ask the people around you
Reply:i%26#039;m sorry i know nobody
Reply:Yes i am sure of it.
z Krakowa :) z radoscią pomoge ci w odnajdywaniu Twojej polskosci:)
Reply:hey yea im polish and im a teen and i live in new york so if u wanna contact me go right ahead at muminka12@yahoo.com
yha forgot to tell u i speak polish
Reply:yes...for example me.....I live in Szczecin. You can write with me my mail: olga2210@buziaczek.pl
Reply:i speak english and polish.
Reply:hazardzistka@gazeta.pl :)
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